The red light problem that occurs to your Xbox 360 has been given a number of different names, which include: the “red ring of death”, the “3 red light problem” and “RRoD”. Sadly, this problem is more widespread that you may think. In fact, recent market research indicates that severe break-downs affect roughly 30% of the Xbox 360 consoles sold in North America.

The principle cause of Xbox 360 failure is due to overheating. Xbox 360 uses heat sinks and vents to rid the system of access heat accumulation. When obstructions occur, the heat cannot be released properly and damage occurs to the internal components.

There is only one option is available when your Xbox 360 breaks down: Repair your Xbox 360. The question is what is the fastest and most cost effective way to fix your console?

The first option is sending your Xbox back to Microsoft. If your ninety day warrantee has expired the repair bill will cost $140. You will also have to cover the shipping and handling fees. Should you decide to choose this option you will lose access to your Xbox for 4-6 weeks.

The second option will have you up and running again in less than an hour. This involves purchasing a do-it-yourself repair guide online. The top repair guides are very impressive and cost less than $30. These repair guides will focus on the how to fix your red ring problem and how to make sure it does not happen again.

The best repair guides will come with step-by-step instructional videos that will show you everything thing you need to know about fixing your Xbox 360. A good guide will also have quality customer support available and a money-back guarantee. This method of fixing your Xbox 360 is quickly becoming the method of choice for most Xbox 360 owners.