TAGS: #deceit

As great as The Women Men Adore and Never Want to Leave may be , the honest truth is that it may not be for everyone. Bob Grant wrote The Women That Men Adore and Never Want to Leave based on his experience as a certified counselor. As a result, much of the content is based upon the crisis' and troubles that women who typically might seek out the help of a counselor. Women who are married or in serious relationships are usually those that one might find talking with a counselor on a regular basis about the troubles they are having in their relationship.
This is not to say that the information is weak or that The Women That Men Adore and Never Want to Leave targets middle class housewives or that the advice will only work on the men that these women love. But it does stand to reason that some of the information might not be relevant to those in relationships that are less than serious.
On the other hand, men are men, right? Men are flesh and bone no matter what their position in society and thus they have the same needs, wants and desires. No different than the fact that most dogs like to be petted and have their bellies rubbed, most men like and appreciate the same attributes in women that all men find attractive and desirable.
One thing that The Women That Men Adore and Never Want to Leave is not is a book on how to get your ex back by using deceitful or underhanded tactics. Despite the advice given by Mr. Grant is helpful in rekindling the passion and romance in your relationship, it is not some cheesy step by step plan on how to get your ex back in 7 days or the like.
Yes, it might be easy to see how the information in The Women That Men Adore and Never Want to Leave could be used to rebuild a relationship that has been severed due to breakup or divorce. It also might be helpful even for single women who want some insight into what men do find desirable in a woman and how a woman can be herself and bring out the passionate and romantic side in a man. That is the premise of this book in a nutshell, actually. There is no trickery or pretending to be something that you're not, which you should find both refreshing and easy to do, right? You want him to love you for you and not because you are pretending to be something that you're not.
Of course, there are bits and pieces of advice that Mr. Grant offers in his book that you can use word for word to bring about a desired reaction in a man and different tactics that may be considered a bit deceitful because you are doing something in hopes of bringing about a desired outcome. But we are not talking about lying or hurting anyone and you goal is to make your man happy so how can that be wrong? Once you know what makes him happy his natural response will be to want to make you happy.
To sum it up , Bob Grant's The Women That Men Adore and Never Want to Leave isn't a get him back book in the traditional sense. If that is what you're looking for then this book may not be the right choice for you. If you are a woman in a relationship that has lost it's passion and fire and you want to know what has worked for other women then you might be on the right track. If you have tried just about everything to win your man's heart and he just doesn't seem to be interested in you any longer this book might help you understand what might help move your man to fall in love with you all over again. If you are a single woman and you want some insight into what might make you more desirable to men it might be worth checking out.