Many low investment businesses tend to offer a labour intensive service that is little more than a low paid job with the responsibilities of running a business. Below I have outlined 4 ideas that can be started with only a small investment, but provide a good income.

  • Spyware/Malware Removal: So many home computers get infected and owners tend to call an expensive repair tech or even write the computer off as unusable. Removing spyware is high value, low-cost and not hard to learn work that should see a good supply of business if marketed correctly.
  • Blogging: Blogs can be built for free online and are not difficult to build but have several ways of earning you an income. Building a blog can be mastered in a few hours but there are a lot of people who, just as with websites, would pay for someone to show them how to do it. Blogs can earn you a passive income from paid ads on the sites you build, so offering a blog build and maintenance service for groups could be a winner and offer a good residual income.
  • Pet-Sitting/Walking: Looking after peoples pets is a good way to build extra income. If you get this right you can earn decent money, keep loyal customers and, as people talk about their pets, build a business quickly by word of mouth. Offering grooming and other services to pet-owners are good add-ons for this business.
  • Headstone Cleaning: Headstones offer a niche cleaning business opportunity. Marble, Granite, Limestone and Metal need a specialist clean, but not so special that anyone who takes a short time to master the techniques and market this service well can’t make a good regular profit from this idea.