TAGS: #deceit

When trying to assess if a business is offering a real business opportunity or is simply a scam, it is important to determine if actual deceit or fraud is occurring. A company is not necessarily a scam simply because you don't like their business model or product offerings.
In the case of MonaVie, there are numerous people who really believe in the health benefits of the product itself. After all, the acai berry does provide numerous health advantages, and this berry is a primary ingredient in the Mona vie product. There are also a number of other healthy ingredients in the product formulation as well. The MonaVie product itself appears to be good, even though some may question the specific health claims the company makes for its juice.
However, there are also other comparable products that offer just as good if not better health benefits as compared to the MonaVie product. MonaVie reviews often point out that the price of the product is quite high, especially when compared to similar products. Still, placing a higher price tag on your product doesn't necessarily indicate that your product is a scam.
A multi-level marketing model is definitely utilized by the MonaVie business model. However, multi-level marketing techniques are used by many different companies in various ways, and the use of these techniques cannot be the only factor used to label a company as a scam. The presence of a scam is often indicated when a company places more importance on recruiting others into the business itself, as opposed to actually selling their own product. If the main way of generating profits is through building a downline and earning money primarily through the recruitment process itself, especially if most of the money-making opportunities are focused on those who joined the company early, then a multi-level marketing plan is often labeled as a scam.
In the case of MonaVie, they do state that money can be made by selling the product itself. With a dedicated customer base, you can buy the MonaVie product wholesale and sell it at a retail price, thereby making money. However, as compared to the amount of money that can be made from selling the juice itself, the business model for MonaVie definitely encourages making bonuses and commissions for bringing in new distributors and building your downline. Instead of focusing on selling the juice, the primary focus appears to be on recruiting new distributors.