The subject of this article may strike you as a little odd, but I would like to share with you how simple and completely ordinary things like drinking water can help to relieve back pain and help you regain the freedom and mobility to enjoy your life again.

If you've got a bulging or herniated disc, you probably know about the basic anatomy of the spell. There are 24 vertebrae and each one is separated by a disc that acts as a shock absorbber and to allow flexibility. If you've really done your homework, you probably already know that the discs are composed of two layers. The outer layers is stiffer and more rigid than the softer jelly-like inner layer. When you have a bulging or herniated disc, this inner layer begins to push out through the outer layer.

This of course can cause all sorts of problems when the disc bulges out and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, or any other nerve for that matter.

How can something as simple and mundane as drinking water help to fix a problem like this?

Well, you've probably heard that the human body is 70% water. Well, your discs are no different. They are composed primarily of water. When you wake up in the morning, you are actually an average of one inch taller than you are at the end of the day. This is because your disks became compressed in your spelling by gravity through the day. Then when you are resting at night, the discs replenish themselves with water to expand again and start over the next day.

But if you are not getting enough water daily, then your discs may have trouble replenishing themselves with enough fluids. When this happens, the stress on them begins to build and things like bulging discs or herniated disks begin to take place.

Be sure to drink your eight glasses a day to keep your spa healthy so that it has the fluids it needs to help you avoid problems down the road.

Keep in mind that I am specifically talking about water here. Not soda, or coffee, or tea. Just water. Not all fluids are created equally and some of them can actually further dehydrate you rather than replenish fluids to your body (and your discs).

Most people in our society seem to have an aversion to water because it is too "boring" compared to flavored drinks such as soda or sugary coffees. Just keep in mind though that your body is designed to function on a biological level on water, not soda or coffee or anything else. Perhaps, it is because of this that there are so many people that are technically chronically dehydrated and suffering from back pain conditions.

So to help your back replenish the fluids it needs, drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. This is a small change you can make and it is much easier and less extreme than buying an expensive inversion table or undergoing a dangerous surgery.