TAGS: #dominance
Estrogen dominance is a condition which involves an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It usually involves a deficiency in progesterone, although it can also involve an excess in estrogen. The only way to confirm this is through proper testing.
In any case, estrogen dominance is a common condition, although it frequently goes undiagnosed since most medical doctors don’t test for it. This condition can frequently cause or contribute to hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. So when someone is diagnosed with a hypothyroid condition, frequently they will be told to take synthetic thyroid hormone for the rest of their life, even though estrogen dominance just might be the culprit. In other words, if estrogen dominance is corrected and then detected, then the person’s hypothyroid condition just might be cured, and the person wouldn’t need to take thyroid hormone daily.
Estrogen Dominance Side Effects
There are numerous symptoms a person can experience when having estrogen dominance. Some of the common symptoms include depression, weight gain, breast tenderness, as well as mood swings and irritability. As for whether estrogen dominance can lead to hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, the answer is “yes”, and the way this can happen is that this condition can block thyroid hormone from getting into the cells, and thus lead to a hypothyroid condition. So it can definitely lead to hypothyroidism, although it really is more of a contributing factor with regards to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, rather than a direct cause.
Obviously this isn’t meant to suggest that every hypothyroid condition is caused by estrogen dominance, as this definitely isn’t the case. However, for someone who has hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis where estrogen dominance is either causing or contributing to the disorder, not addressing this hormone imbalance will make it just about impossible to restore one’s health back to normal through a natural treatment protocol. Plus, keep in mind that some people are told to take thyroid hormone for the rest of their life when addressing the estrogen dominance condition would correct the problem.
Hopefully this will discourage people from trying to self-treat their thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition. Many people with these conditions try to self-treat their disorder by taking certain supplements and herbs, which is challenging enough when a hormone imbalance isn’t present. But when estrogen dominance is a factor, taking nutritional supplements and herbs alone won’t do much to help the thyroid condition.
What Is The Cause Of Estrogen Dominance?
As mentioned before, estrogen dominance involves an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. But what causes this condition to develop? There are a few different factors which play a role. For example, chronic stress can lead to a decrease in the production of progesterone. And many people deal with chronic stress on a daily basis and don’t do a good job of managing it. Many people consume a lot of meats with xenoestrogens, which in turn can lead to an excess in estrogen, thus leading to estrogen dominance.
Another big cause behind the development of estrogen dominance is the misuse of bioidentical hormones, especially natural progesterone. Many people overdose on natural progesterone, which can lead to this condition. But wait, if estrogen dominance is frequently caused by a progesterone deficiency, then how can overdosing with progesterone cause this condition? Well, when someone takes an excessive amount of natural progesterone, the progesterone cell receptors no longer become responsive to any additional progesterone that the person consumes, and so while the tissues actually have an excess of estrogen, the body perceives this as a progesterone deficiency due to the non-responsive cell receptors. The physiology is somewhat complex, but the point is that one needs to be very careful when taking bioidentical hormones, as this can lead to numerous health issues.
How To Cure Estrogen Dominance
In order to cure estrogen dominance, it’s a good idea to consult with a competent natural endocrine doctor. Such a doctor will first do the necessary tests to determine if you have an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Then if it’s determined that you do have an imbalance, they will put you on the necessary protocol to correct the problem.
Such a natural treatment protocol will obviously address certain lifestyle factors such as eating well, taking certain supplements and/or herbs, and doing a good job of managing stress. Frequently a purification program is necessary to balance the hormones. This is especially true if the estrogen levels are high, but can also benefit someone with low progesterone levels. Natural progesterone is also an obvious treatment option for someone with low progesterone. However, it’s important to understand that while giving someone natural progesterone will probably help with the symptoms, it won’t fix the underlying cause of the problem. So the ultimate goal should be to correct the existing hormone imbalance, rather than just manage the symptoms. Don’t get me wrong, as sometimes people do need to take natural progesterone if they have a severe deficiency. But this usually should be on a temporary basis. There are of course exceptions to this, such as a woman who had a complete hysterectomy. But most women who have all of their organs intact don’t need to take natural progesterone continuously.
In summary, estrogen dominance is a common condition, and it can definitely cause hypothyroidism, and contribute to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. So if you have some of the symptoms described in this article, you might want to consider consulting with a natural endocrine doctor to have the hormones estrogen and progesterone evaluated. Then if it is determined that you have estrogen dominance you can follow a natural treatment protocol to help balance these hormones, and potentially restore your thyroid health back to normal.