TAGS: #green tea

Chances are you’ve probably heard of the health benefits of Chinese green tea. This tea was used as medicine in China for centuries. Today, it’s becoming more and more popular worldwide.
How did it start?
Tea originated in China over 2,000 years ago. There is some legend and mystery surrounding the origin of Chinese tea, however. According to legend, early Buddhists discovered the ta. One tea legend in China actually says the agriculture god Shenog invented tea by chewing the leaves and spitting them into hot water.
Chinese Tea Verses Indian Tea
Both China and India cultivate tea. Biologists have said that the types of tea are different. The plans are similar, but slightly different. Essentially, they taste the same. Under British rule, tea was cultivated as a cahs crop.
Health Benefits of Green Tea
There have been endless claims of the benefits of green tea. Because of high levels of antioxidants, studies have suggested that green tea might be able to prevent diseases and even to fight cancer. If you drink the tea regularly, you will have improvements that lower cholesterol, help you lose weight, and much more. Green tea is sometimes also used in moisturizers.
Green Tea, Oolong Tea, or something else?
There are several different kinds of tea. You can get loose tea or bagged tea. Loose tea is better ofr health benefits, though some people say that bagged tea actually tastes better. Studies have suggested that green tea is best for health benefits, whereas oolong tea is bet for weight loss.