TAGS: #christian

Christian newsletters come in all shapes and sizes from the simple monthly Church bulletin produced with a simple program like Microsoft Word to PDF magazines and even weekly delivery of Christian email newsletters otherwise known as an ezine. Ezine is a shortened form of the word electronic magazine.
To receive an online Christian ezine you have to subscribe to it. This is done by finding the newsletter subscription form on the website and entering your name and email address. These days because of the abuse of ezine publishing and spammers if the Christian newsletter operator is ethical you will then need to confirm your subscription before you can receive your newsletter.
It might sound a bit harsh posing the question if a Christian ezine operator is ethical however you should be aware that on the Internet anyone can say anything and just because someone says something it doesn't necessarily mean it is true.
Most good Christian newsletters will have unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email you receive. That way if the ezine isn't what you had hoped then you can click on the unsubscribe link and be taken off that email list and not receive the newsletter any more.
If you search for newsletter online you will find a wide variety to choose from. Some Christian ezines are just for Church members while others are produced by forum owners to keep you up to date with the latest posts, others cover such topics as devotionals, Bible study, affirmations, end times, and many more.
While most are free Christian newsletters there are some that have become so popular that they have evolved into paid memberships and access is restricted. Even on most of those sites you can still receive a free sample of what the newsletter looks like before subscribing.
It is difficult for Christian ezine producers to attract readership and as a result they will in most cases offer you an incentive for joing usually in the form a free products like ebooks or reports.