TAGS: #christian

The Christians have a lot of sayings. Some by revelation, and some by quoting the literal word of God.
Nevertheless, the purpose behind keeping these sayings and revelations is so that the Christian man and woman, boy and girl, would be able to stand strong in the face of trials, torture, persecutions, and all other adversities they encounter daily. Also to build oneself, so to experience God’s love and peace, fellowship and grace, wisdom and understanding, life and light, and the list goes on…
Even at the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden, the devil showed himself as a liar to mankind. He tempted Eve, and succeeded by lying to her, causing her to eat of the fruit which the Lord clearly commanded that she should not eat of it, neither should she touch it. Gen 3: 1-6
Jesus spoke about the devil, his works, and confirmed not that he was only a liar, but the father of it. So Christians know not to believe the devil even when he speaks the truth. Because even when he does so, it’s a lie. John 8: 44
When a Christian says “the devil is a liar,” mostly at that time the devil may have suggested a thought that contradicts the word of God, the Christian person sees this and declares, “the devil is a liar,” and reclaims their focus and their victory.
There are many Christians that have fallen prey to the devil and his lies. They were once very active in church, and one day the devil might have suggested something to them which of course is not through, and because they were not keeping themselves fed by the word of God, and fellowship with other believers, they became trapped.
John 10: 10 says,
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
That’s his progression. He comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy.
The devil will begin by stealing everything from you until he gets to your joy. You see, the joy of the Lord is your strength, and if he can steal your joy, he has taken away your strength, and now it is easy for him to kill you. Remember that is what he’s come to do. After he’s killed you, he will want to destroy all the evidence that bears his finger prints. He will want to destroy you too.
If you have been playing with the devil, (you might be playing but he is not) and you want to be delivered from his grip. Come to the Lord, ask forgiveness for your sins, submit to the Lord, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
If you are a believer on Jesus Christ you may have said this many times. It is a natural things to the Christian to say, “the devil is a liar.” It is in the culture of the Christian community to do so.
If you are not a believer in Christ Jesus the Lord, and you are drawn by the Lord’s Spirit to make him the Lord of your life, I say to you that “you are blessed indeed.” For no one can come unto the Father, except the Spirit draws them.
The Lord has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a strong mind.
Be blessed today!