Nowadays, drinking coffee during morning and after lunch become a habit for millions of people. Everywhere you go; coffee is always present and is taken by numerous types of people. What's with coffee why people are craving for it? Does it contribute useful effects to humans? Or is coffee harmful to our health?

Coffee, as being defined, is a fermented drink from roasted seeds called the coffee beans. Coffee is a widely consumed substance in the world next to water. According to its history, it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia and was first consumed in the 9th century. As years passed by, it was spread to some parts of the world until it became known worldwide.

Various Effects of coffee

Coffee has numerous effects. Here's how coffee affects us.

Coffee benefits and advantages

  • Coffee has vitamin B3 nicotinic acid which helps your body digest foods and helps your body generate carbohydrates, fats and protein.
  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia: Studies show that moderate coffee drinkers (defined as 3-5 cups per day) have less chance of acquitting Alzheimer's disease than those light coffee drinkers who drinks 0-2 cups per day.
  • Coffee has caffeine which increases the effectiveness of pain killers such as headache and migraine medications.
  • Good for the liver as it prevails the risk of having cirrhosis.
  • Reduces Asthmatic attacks
  • As an antioxidant producer, it helps fight cancer especially colon cancer.
  • It protects you from acquiring type 2 diabetes.
  • It can be a good anti-depressant drink as it brings mental focus and relaxation.
  • It is good for the heart as it contains Tannin which stimulates good healthy cardiovascular system.
  • It acts as a stimulant as it contains caffeine. Thus, often consumed during morning when feeling tired and sleepy.

Coffee Disadvantages

Coffee has many useful effects. However, too much of it is bad enough. Here's the list of harmful effects of coffee if overly consumed.

  • Coffee contains caffeine and when excessively consumed causes addiction.
  • Too much take of coffee can cause depression and nervousness.
  • It can cause ulcer if you have not taken solid foods.
  • It can probably cause heart damage as it causes panic in heart's regular activity.