Just one more day left for your “official” work week. How did you do? We thought we’d check in.

What goals did you set for yourself this week? Which ones did you achieve, make progress on, or push to the back of the line?

Are you happy with what you’ve accomplished?

What stood in your way?

I find it crazy how quickly the weeks go, and how often I take the same items from my work calendar and drag them to the next week. I set up all of my tasks as calendar items in my Google calendar, as I accomplish a task, I move it out of the way, but it drives me crazy how many I keep putting off.

But “tasks” aren’t “goals” are they? I could argue, and I often argue with myself, that my tasks accomplish my goals. Do they really? Or do tasks simply bring us closer to accomplishing existing goals; giving us enough satisfaction that we feel like we’re moving forward, without the growth mindset that goal setting brings?

And this is where we get stuck, focusing on the to-do’s and not looking at the over-arching goals that brought us to this point. In fact, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure when I last set a goal for my business, or even for me personally (outside of a New Year’s resolution… ummm yeah, let’s just skip over that!).

So, I guess we’re in the same boat!

Is it time that we made it a goal, to set goals? How can we (you and I) hold ourselves accountable?

Let’s give it a try!

Starting this week, I’m going to accomplish two goals:

  1. Personal – I’m going to go for a walk every day. I wear a fitness tracker ( https://webshop.bellabeat.com/ ), so making this measurable will be easy. I want my 7 day average to be over 6,500 steps.
  2. I’m going to create a new marketing campaign, not for a client (which is incredibly fun), but for myself. I imagine this will initially take the form of a flow chart, but that’s OK. I’m fine with it being a creative work in progress – I just need to get it started.

Are you up for the challenge? Share your business goals, let’s see if we can encourage each other on!

Not sure if you want to post it here? That’s OK, drop us an email. It doesn’t matter how we start this journey together, we just need to start!