TAGS: #hunting

Here are three key things you need to consider:
1. Never approach your hunting spot if the wind is going to blow your scent into the area that you expect the coyotes to be in. Even if there is only a 5 mile per hour breeze, coyotes more than a mile away can smell you. You will be busted before you even start. If you can’t get into your spot because of poor wind direction it’s best to save that hunting location for a later date when the wind will be more favorable.
2. When you do set up, remember that 99% of the time coyotes will attempt to circle downwind of the sound you are using. You will want to be able to see them when this happens. You need to set up where you have shooting opportunities as they circle toward the downwind side.
3. Always try to pick a downwind area that might allow a coyote a little bit of security as it approaches yet, still allows you a shot opportunity.
If you follow these three simple steps before you start calling you can greatly increase your coyote hunting success.
Recently some new products have shown up on the market designed to cover up your scent or to attract a coyote. I think most hunters are undecided on the effectiveness of these products. The chances are if a coyote gets downwind no matter what you did your hunt will be over. Unless you’re quick on the trigger or can hit a coyote running at 40 mph it’s best to avoid any chance for the coyote to get downwind.
Some more setup tips:
Your hunt starts the second you park your vehicle. If you think a coyote can see your vehicle from where you plan to set up or, from where they might approach, don’t park there. Coyotes are very leery of vehicles. Park your vehicle out of site and downwind from your hunting area. Do not slam the doors; quietly push them shut. You’re dealing with an animal that can hear a mouse squeak from 300 yards away. If you hunt, or ever get the opportunity to hunt, in some wide open areas you’ll see just how good a coyote’s hearing is.
Once you’re out of the vehicle, whisper or don’t talk at all. If you’re hunting with partners, now is not the time to stand outside your vehicle and discuss the details. This should have been done during the drive.
Move and walk as quietly as possible. Develop some hand signals with your hunting partners. When you’re walking to your spot, don’t skyline yourself. Use the surroundings to break up your outline as you walk quietly to your stand.
Don’t forget about the sun and try to use it to your advantage. It’s better to have the sun at your back and in the coyote’s face than the other way around.
Position yourself where you have a backdrop to hide your silhouette up against a bush, tree or on a hillside.
I usually like to wait about ten minutes before I start calling. This gives time for things to settle down and gives you a little time to look around and identifying areas that a coyote might approach from. They usually surprise you and come in from someplace unexpected but, sometime you’ll get lucky and one will come in exactly the way you planned it out.
Proper setup is just one part of a successful coyote hunt. Everything from scouting to calling needs to be factored in. These pointers will definitely increase your chances of a successful hunt.