When he was a candidate, Donald Trump, proclaimed, he was so popular, he could walk down, Fifth Avenue, in New York City, shoot someone, and get away with it. Whether he truly, believed it, or was simply, stating, in dramatic fashion, his immense popularity, it probably indicated, a lot, about both the man, himself, and his core supporters/ followers. In previous years, even the hint of impropriety, often, doomed, or severely impacted, negatively, someone’s political career, yet, it appears, President Trump’s popularity, from his political base, remains at the same level. This is often difficult to fully evaluate, because, when we are told, 88% of Republicans, give him a favorable rating, we aren’t told, how many Americans, continue, to identify themselves, as a Republican. To his political credit, this man has been able, to morph the Grand Old Party (G.O.P.), into the Party of Trump! It appears, about 35% of the country’s electorate, continues supporting Mr. Trump, regardless of any negative reporting. He has articulated, an, Us versus Them, mentality/ message, and proclaimed, nearly every report, which he, either doesn’t agree with, opposes his agenda, as Fake Facts. At the same time, nearly every political fact- checker, states, this President has lied, or told misstatements, at an ever – escalating rate, which this year, appears to be, about 22 per day. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, how our personal/ political perspectives, drive our perceptions of current event, as, either, a witch hunt, coincidence, or believing Trump, is guilty.

1. Witch hunt: The expression, witch hunt, is believed, to have its origins, during the Salem Witch Trials, when many called, anyone, who was different, a witch. The 1950’s, McCarthy Hearings, was probably, the closest to this, in a political scenario. However, since, there have already been, several convictions, indictments, and incidents, which seem to clearly indicate, at least, the appearance of impropriety, how can it be, fake facts? When, his former attorney, campaign chairman, foreign adviser, etc, have already been convicted, and, there has been, many reports, of so many other apparent irregularities, shouldn’t this be examined?

2. Coincidence: On one of my favorite television programs, NCIS, Gibbs often claims, he doesn’t believe in coincidences! He, obviously, would not believe, the President’s perspective, and that, which, his core supporters, appear to endorse. If it looks, smells, and sounds, like a duck, it probably is!

3. Guilty: Most innocent individuals, want to clear their name, and prove their innocence. Mr. Trump, however, constantly, appears to do, all he can, to end any investigation. No one knows, for sure, whether he is guilty, or not, and we many never be certain, but, while polls suggest, most Americans, are leaning towards believing he’s guilty, his core supporters, either don’t care, or buy, into, his explanation/ rhetoric.

4. Why?: Why do, different people, seem to perceive and believe, so differently, what occurred? Is this about perceptions, or, some, overlooking the probabilities, for their own, personal/ political agenda, and self – interest? Why have Republicans, who, during the administrations of previous Presidents, demanded a high level of ethics, and Balance of Powers, appear, to have abandoned their previous, stated perspectives?

How can we ever arrive at, a Meeting of the Minds, when we can’t or won’t even agree, about, what’s occurring, etc? Wake up, America, and realize, we shouldn’t idolize someone, because of our image of them, or their rhetoric/ promises, but, demand, they serve and represent us, ethically, for the common good, and protection of all our freedoms!