TAGS: #cafe

This morning when Pete came in the cafe, she greeted us with full of gusto, ” Girls, finally I have my vacuum cleaner! Ha-ha” She laughed-a-minute.
“Really, you sound so funny about it… Is there something you want to share with us, girl?” I teased her.
“Yeah, please tell us!” Cham and Gorge were excited to hear her story.
After Tonette had placed our order, “Would that be all girls?”
“Yes Tonette. Here is my card, thank you. I will treat my girlfriends this morning because I feel so upbeat today!” With a wink, Pete handed her plastic to Tonette.
We were all ears when Pete started to tell us her story…
“This morning I jolted out of my reverie by the loud and long sound of my doorbell which I thought at first it was a fire alarm! I fell down from my bed and rolled over my floor…I was so nervous! I felt like throwing myself under a train!!! Gosh! It was really crazy and off the wall!”
She drank her coffee and went on…
“Without any fuss I got up so quickly. I thought I was in the field with full of tanks and heavy artillery so I imagined I navigated my room with radar and headed to the door…
Good Lord! I was in my own home…” as she rolled her eyes…. “I did not stumble upon any traps, my toes were not twisted into a chair leg nor had my head banged into a door… A lucky escape, I had thought so until I found my exit door!” She paused a bit and took a bite on her chocolate mousse cake.
“And then?” The three of us could not wait to hear the rest of her story…
“Afterwards, when I finally reached the door and turned its knob…Oh, you would not believe it, because it was like too heavy for me to open it…like it was made of steel or something but on top of that when I finally succeeded to have it off the latch, I saw the villain in front of me!”
“Who was it, your Ex?” I teased her…
She said, “No way girl! But I was mixed up when I saw him… I could tell that my mouth went half-opened… I drooled a bit, hahaha… He was tall, muscular and handsome… I could not believe I just saw Michael Fassbender! So I cleared up my eyes…
Girl, it was the delivery man with his big smile from ear to ear. He was happy to succeed in waking me up and finally finished his mission…. he said,
“Good morning Miss. I’m sorry to disturb you at this early hour, but I have a delivery package for you.” Pete imitated the delivery man’s husky voice.
“Hahahahaha”, all of us now were laughing…
“I did not say a thing… He left the package on the floor, just next to my skinny-bare-feet and had gone away so fast. I was left puzzled. I did not understand what happened… I just found myself on my doorstep freezing with no robe on.”
“You… What?” All of us were shocked.
“Yeah, I was only wearing my Calvin thong bikini but no Victoria Secret push-up bra even!” She giggled sweetly and continued, “With my tousled hair, I went back to bed, telling myself that, it was just a nightmare… But it was not! Really, the delivery man had won a battle but not war…And a bit lucky too, to see me half-naked. Afterwards I couldn’t sleep anymore so I imagined I was mugged by this young and sexy delivery man and we had a very heavy and hot sex together…hehehe… In that brief period of time girls…wow! I came so big with my dildo…”
“Oh, you really gross girl” I giggled and we all laughed out loud that everyone in the cafe started to get curious.
And then she continued…
“Well…so here I am… I am feeling so great! Who needs men when I have my dildo, hahaha. Anyways, finally when I got up, my first vision of horror was my new vacuum cleaner. Girls, I could not lie to myself… Now, I have no excuse for not doing anything but to manage the general cleaning of my apartment this weekend… Gosh!”
We all giggled!
Pete is divorced for 15 years now. She married her senior sweetheart at the age of 19 and was divorced 2 years after. She has no kids but she is a very successful and famous fashion designer in our town. She is a free-spirited and a very independent woman. She is funny and always making us happy every time she tells us her travels and adventures. She has a lot of boyfriends too and so open with her sexual fantasies.