TAGS: #millionaires

When Neytiri’s mother Moat, from the movie Avatar said to Jake Sully:
It is hard to fill a cup that is already full,
I thought this could be a saying straight from Bob Proctor and his teachings from the 11 Forgotten Laws.
You may not recognize it, but when your mind is full of negative programming and conditioning, so much so that you go through life reacting instead of responding, you don’t have room for much else.
You are stuck. No wonder nothing changes. Animals live like that. They react. Responding takes thinking, not reacting.
Millionaire’s never react – they think – and then respond.
Develop a Millionaire’s Mind
Bob Proctor teaches people how to develop a millionaire’s mind with the 11 Forgotten Laws. He teaches that wealth is a mindset, not a condition. To develop a millionaire’s mindset, you have to be willing to change the way you think – to change your life – radically.
To do that, to gain a new mind, the mind of a millionaire, you have to be willing to let go of the way you think about things right now. You need to be willing to recognize that the results you experience in your life are because of the way you think – not because of something outside of you. Not because of something someone did to you.
Five Critical Steps
Developing a millionaire’s mind means taking these critical steps:
- Assume responsibility for everything in your life this moment forward. No blame.
- Be willing to change the way you think about everything.
- Choose your dreams and then stay focused on them.
- Don’t fall asleep at the wheel – pay attention to everything – be in the moment.
- Follow that intuitive nudge inside – don’t ignore it. Learn to take action.
Millionaires think differently than regular folk. They know they are responsible for what happens to them.
A millionaire could lose a fortune tonight and be on her way to new success by morning. A millionaire understands that success and failure are the same thing. She’s not too worried about externals. She knows that the externals come from within.
Everyone succeeds at what they want to do – most just shoot for the treetops and are happy with landing on the ground.
The millionaire shoots for the stars – she opens herself to limitless possibilities – and hits the treetops or higher.
Just because you see yourself failing doesn’t mean you’re not a success. You are a success – you’re succeeding at failing. Understand that if you’re not focused on it, it can’t show up in your life. It’s that simple.
Let Go of the Cubicle Mentality
We’re all programmed with someone else’s beliefs about life – whether it’s our parents, grandparents, teachers, whomever. We believe we are meant to grow up, go to school, get married, work for 40 years in a gray clad cubicle prison, retire, spend time with the grandchildren and then peacefully lay down to die.
If this sounds like your dream life, then you don’t need a millionaire’s mind.
Most millionaires work for themselves. If they don’t currently, they soon will be.
To believe that we have to work the 9-to-5, that we have to work for someone else, is part of the cubicle mentality. I see people locked in cubicles and even though they may leave those cubicles at the end of their day, those cubicle walls are still wrapped around their heads when they go home.
Visualize that for a moment if you will:
A little tiny gray cubicle floating around the head.
Only thinking that fits inside the cubicle head gets in. It’s because the cup is too full. That’s the worker mentality – it isn’t the millionaire mentality.
The mind of a millionaire is free to explore and say “what if…”
The cubicle head mentality says, “I can’t, it doesn’t work for me, nothing ever works for me, WAH!”
Do you see the difference?
Bob Proctor is a Millionaire — He Walks His Talk
Bob Proctor never graduated from high school and the best job he could get back in the 60s was that of a custodian. At the age of 26, he was nothing more than a janitor. The work is honorable and there is nothing wrong with it, if that’s what you really want to do. But he didn’t. That’s all he could get at the time.
Until he met a man who gave him a book. The book was “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. The man told him to read it and be willing to try something new. Keyword here: willing to try something new.
But he didn’t stop there. Bob Proctor has been reading that very same book for nigh on 40 years. He carries the tattered thing around with him everywhere he goes. He keeps it together with a rubber band.
That book changed Bob Proctor’s life – not because it’s really anything special – but because he read it, read it and re-read it. Then he went out and bought himself a little battery-operated record player (the precursor to the MP3 player) and played Earl Nightingale’s “The Strangest Secret” over and over again.
Within weeks he had taken that full cup and emptied it out.
And he filled it back up with the thinking of a millionaire’s mind.
Bob didn’t stay a janitor long. In a few short months, he developed his own company – and yep – you guessed it – provided janitorial services to office buildings. That company grew to make him a rich man. But he decided that’s not what he wanted to do. He sold that company and started over.
He decided he wanted to teach other people to do the same thing he did.
He’s been doing it ever since.