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The pace at which business sectors in Dubai have flourished has attracted many IT firms from across the globe to select Dubai as the headquarters. The growth of the IT industry in Dubai encouraged the foundation of Dubai Internet City and Dubai Silicon Oasis. Readily becoming a regional hub for Information Technology, it now provides services covering every element of the IT industry. However, as the industry grows, the information and statistics of organizations become more vulnerable to security threats; similar is the case of Dubai. Recently, the government of Dubai issued a law concerning the establishment of the new E-Security plan, the aim of which would to protect information and communication systems of the government and other important organizations.
Emerging Threats and Security planning in Dubai
A computer system containing the entire statistical and confidential information of an organization becomes immediately vulnerable to software attacks when the system offers slightest of security weaknesses. The increased commercial and communicational activities have encouraged the growth of cyber crimes that target government and other important organizations. Recently in Dubai the rate of cybercrime increased more than 80% from the year 2013-2014.
Implementation of Cyber Security plans in Dubai
The increasing threats to the information security system in Dubai, for it becoming the hub of globally renowned IT industries has made the existence of penetration testing practical in Dubai. This has encouraged the government and IT security planning services to develop highly advanced cyber security and antivirus programs for the business centers in Dubai. From small scale organizations to multinationals, Dubai has its share of all kinds of organizations. To keep up with its repute and competencies of offering global organizations the most suitable settlements services has now designed advanced ways to secure the information of its customers.
The new law now controls the private information that quite appropriately avoids code cracking, data breaches and financial loss of any kind resulting from cybercrime. The new law enforced in Dubai has strictly started to track and trace content that is published or posted online with violation of privacy being an offense.
Any person or organization convicted of running or creating websites that damage or deride the stature of Dubai and its organizations will be sentenced to three years of punishment in jail. The license of software development and other IT related services is required before practicing or offering to any kind of service. The new information security system basically revolves around three major themes covering information security of Dubai governance, ensuring the protection of information and its related operations, and the management and protection of confidential information also ensuring the authenticity of it from the government/official bodies.
Why Dubai Needs a Security Plan
Dubai has recently seen a drastic increase in the use of network and electronics. E- Commerce, electronic billing, and E- transactions have become a vital part of UAE and its economy. While such a change offers a boost to its economy and settlement of new industries, it threats its existence and operations at the very same time.
Increased political, financial and ideological motivation has encouraged cyber crimes in Dubai. On the other hand, UAE is known for the concentrated financial resources that are being constantly threatened by banking malware such as Carberp (windows), Zeus (Windows), mToken (Android) that attack public source codes and systems. Then are the ransomware that attack organizations email systems, threatening their transactions and statistical information.
To protect the information security in Dubai, such an overwhelming need has been felt, and strict measures are adopted to protect it.