This is probably one of the least talked about "land mines" in MLM but it is a problem that must be brought out into the open. I call it the "Unsupportive Spouse Syndrome."

We've all had people in our groups whose spouses were less than supportive when it came to their MLM business. I've seen marriages ruined because people didn't know how to effectively deal with this. Perhaps by me sharing this with you – I can help you or someone in your team if they're going through this.

Like most negativity towards MLM, a spouse who is negative is likely just uneducated about the industry. Perhaps he / she knows of a person who knew a person who had a friend that was "scammed" out of money or has a garage full of vitamins. Whatever has caused the negativity it can be very difficult to deal with. I've seen people try to avoid any confrontation by simply not working their business while their spouse was around. This is the first sign that their business is in trouble. Ultimately what results is the Networker stops working their business altogether.

So, what is something that you can do to make this situation better? Here are a few things that helped me.

1. Be honest. Honesty in a relationship is vital to its longevity. When I started in MLM my wife was not supportive. She is half Asian and she came from a very "structured" background – where any deviation from "the norm" is considered unsafe and too risky. However, once I sat her down and I explained to her what my goals were – and that my goals involved helping to provide both of us with the life we ​​deserve, she was at least more open to learn about MLM.

2. Educate. I took the time to teach my wife about the Network Marketing model. I used Tim Sales' "Brilliant Compensation" video and it did the trick. She came away from that video with a good understanding of the concept and a general acceptance of the business vehicle. I also took the time to educate her about the company I had chosen and why I believed it was the right vehicle for us. This again, opened her mind a bit more.

3. Get them involved. No, I don't mean have them get on the phone with you and start inviting people to take a look at your business / product. I mean, get them psychologically / emotionally involved. For me, this was the most important step I took in getting my wife's support. We were / are a very close couple (high-school sweethearts) and we're best friends so we always spend as much time together as possible. However, when I started really working my MLM business towards a full-time effort, I had to sacrifice some of that time with my wife. At first this did not go over well.

However, I incorporated some techniques that I learned from other leaders in this industry that helped me tremendously. I sat my wife down and I told her, "Okay Kerri, I know how much you've wanted to go to Taiwan to meet your family there. If you allow me to spend a little time each day towards my MLM business and I reach my goal by this date, we'll take that trip, that's my promise to you. "

She loved the concept and it helped me more than I realized. First, it motivated me to get to work because there is nothing in the world I fear more than letting down my family. Second, she began to motivate me. I'd come home from my regular JOB and sit down on my leather chair and turn on a ballgame and she'd say, "don't you have calls to make? I want that trip, get to work!" It was a big help. It motivated me and most importantly it got her involved.

So, as you see, there is hope for people who think their spouse won't ever be supportive. Sometimes you just have to work at it a bit.

One last thing – for those who might not have a spouse but have children who tend to be negative or nagging you for your time. Do the same things with them as I did with my wife – get them on your side. Promise to take them to their favorite vacation spot or buy them that bike they've always wanted. Just make them understand that the reason you're sacrificing some time with them is to make all of your lives better. Trust me, it will make things a lot easier for everyone.