In the last 5 years Donald Trump has taken the world by storm. The popularity of his hit show “The Apprentice” has made him a media icon, as if his presence wasn’t big enough already. But what is it that really makes him the man that he is? What are the Donald Trump characteristics that set “The Donald” apart from us mere mortals? There are several attributes that one could connect with Mr Donald Trump that contribute to him being the great man that he is. But what most people are really wondering is how they can learn and apply these Donald Trump characteristics to take control of their own lives? The good news is that you can, and it’s easier than you think. Here are 3 of the most powerful Tumpisms, and insights into how they can be applied in your life right away to help you create the life that you deserve.

Donald Trump Characteristics – Passion!

One of the most obvious but under appreciated Donald Trump characteristics is his passion. This is a man who wakes up before the sun rises, everyday, to go after the next deal. Do you think he needs to do this? Is he hurting financially and stretching to pay the bills? No. He loves what he does. He loves, with his whole heart, the art of the deal. It gets him out of bed early and keeps him going strong well into the night.

What are you passionate about? What gets you out of bed early in the morning (if anything)? The secret to an empowered and full life is certainly to be living your passion. Find that thing, or the different things, that light your heart up and drive you. If it’s not related to your career, how can you fit it into your life anyways? Have you ever considered creating an automated stream of income using a home based business to separate yourself from that job so that you could live that passion on a more regular basis? People are accomplishing this feat every day, freeing themselves from the “deferred life plan” and creating more automated streams of income that let them live their passion on a daily basis. Think like Trump. If you were to fully embody only this one of the Donald Trump characteristics, what would your life look like? Are you even aware of the possibilities that are out there?

Donald Trump Characteristics – The Big ‘Mo’ – Momentum!

This is one of the most powerful Donald Trump characteristics, although it is not unique to him alone. All great leaders – past presidents, John C Maxwell, Robin Sharma, Brian Tracy, and so many more – appreciate the power of momentum. Once you’ve put out the initial time and energy to get the ball rolling, so long as you keep it rolling forward there is great power in the small steps we take each day. Eventually our efforts create a residual effect that makes success virtually inevitable. Imagine you could be taking actions everyday towards building a business or an income stream, that all built on each other…if every action you took would bring you cumulative results on top of what you had done the day before, long into the future. Every day, you add to those results, and that day’s results add to the pile and continue to bring results ever day thereafter. Eventually, you could back off, and that massive boulder would simply roll down the hill on its own, creating the kind of time and financial freedom that most people can only dream of. These Donald Trump characteristics applied in your own life can move mountains. This is the power of leverage, and the cumulative effect of the momentum created by taking small, daily steps to move you in the direction of achieving your goals.

Donald Trump Characteristics – Think Big and Kick Butt!

This is the PG version of one of the Donald’s most favorite characteristics of leadership. Thinking big contributes in a huge way to moving us forward in a positive direction. Thinking big teaches us to reach beyond our current scope of what may or may not be possible, and consider possibilities and options that may not have yet presented themselves to us. This again is one of the Donald Trump characteristics that are both elegant in their simplicity and powerful as well. Our simple belief that these bigger things are possible leads us to take the kinds of actions that make these distant possibilities a tangible reality. If we stuck to small levels of thinking and dreaming and planning, we would take small actions. The seemingly elementary act of thinking big leads to massive action in the direction of achieving our goals. Even if you don’t quite hit your target, when you’re shooting for the moon, you can at least be guaranteed you’ll land amongst the stars.

These Donald Trump characteristics have served The Donald very well in his life, and they can do the same for you. They are time tested fundamental principles of success, and when applied to any area of your life, you can expect to see that area skyrocket to success. Donald Trump has chosen real estate as his vehicle for the expression of these principles and the realization of his own time and financial freedom, but many more people today are turning to the internet to create that leveraged residual income that can free them from the constraints of the 9-5, Monday-Friday, paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. If you’re the kind of person who can really live and embody these Donald Trump characteristics, you could easily create this kind of freedom for yourself. Unleash the Trump inside of you, and begin today to realize the life of your dreams.