Do you know that the economic system is fast demanding entrepreneurship? Recession prompts a direct inclination toward entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the act of setting up businesses or ventures with the aim of making profit. However, this act comes with considerable risk.

If you believe that entrepreneurship is risky, then your career preferences will tilt toward job security and career prospect, however Robert’s view differs

“I realized that combat was the ultimate test of will and training. There was no second place and the winner was the one who was most prepared. I changed my thoughts to Combat is not risky. Being unprepared is risky. I come to realize that entrepreneurship is not risky. Being unprepared is risky.” By Robert T. Kiyosaki authored Rich Dad, Poor Dad

One of the most essential factors of a successful entrepreneur is personality or trait. I call them ‘Entrepreneurial kits’. Certain features are peculiar to all successful entrepreneurs.


“Vision remains a vision when you focus, do the work, and bring it down to earth where it will do some good.” Donald I. Trump

Successful entrepreneurs are known to be visionaries. A successful entrepreneur has a clear mental perception of his business and the environment where his business is positioned. He must see far ahead than his employees. He sees and projects ahead of time the strength of his business and he sets up controls to manage the weaknesses

Let’s look at this statement by Donald Trump about Mark Burnett

He saw a direction for television and he dealt with rejection. People did not get what he wanted to do but he kept at it because he knew he was right. When the television executives finally did get what he was doing, he had already created a new genre for television history.

Sometimes as a visionary, people see you as being absurd, totally irrational, other times they see you as missing some screws. This is because a visionary sees what others are not seeing. He is abreast of the environmental trends as well as political influences. Entrepreneur focuses on his business and goals.


It will be surprising that most entrepreneurs do not only develop their mental perceptions about their business but they run major successful businesses on a well trained instinct or what President Trump called ‘gut’. People have won in the business world just because they follow their instincts. Think of Wayne Gretsky’s famous explanation for his hockey success – he simply skated to where the puck was going. The question was how did he know where the puck was going? How come it is him and not other players? This is a simple way of understanding what instinct is. Instinct makes you make decisions that your mind could not fathom. Sometimes ‘gut’ differentiate between winners and others.


Passion is one of the most important items in an entrepreneurial kit. Building a successful business requires unfathomable passion. It has been proven that passion drives the most successful athletes of the world. Passion is an empowering factor, an energy booster, a tremendous influencer against any negativity. It is the reason why a man will spend hours at a task that others see as unnecessary. It’s the reason why a person will work without regarding the wages he accrues. Passion is what drives successful entrepreneurs. Passion is what makes them see the end from the beginning. Passion is a driver that all entrepreneurs need to employ to manage a successful business(es).

Commitment to excellence

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor.”

You can never give what you don’t have. Successful entrepreneurs all over the world have certain traits that differentiate them from ordinary men. This trait is excellence, it is not materialism. This trait is seen glaring in the products of all successful entrepreneurs. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are men of excellence, and this shows in all their products. Excellence is a product of the mind and its reflects in everything else we are and do. Successful entrepreneur faces business as well as life with strong adherence to excellence. This is a slight picture of people’s opinions of Trump’s outlook to his products.

“Superior Quality, Detail and Perfection are the standards that Trump demands throughout its projects – from residential to resort, from hotel to golf, from commercial office to retail.”

These are pictorial words reflecting excellence and an example of a man who dedicated his life to giving others excellence. An entrepreneur must be dedicated to giving others excellence in his products. Every entrepreneur must build or train himself to develop these traits.