When you are running a business like me there is nothing better than quick action on the day. One must learn to go beyond typical rhetoric to be successful. Success also depends on how many people you can reach. A new Google feature is giving me an opportunity to extend the chances of my brand’s success. Customer engagement is essentially a business communication between consumers and the brand or company by using various methods of correspondence. Customer experience can be both online and offline or either of the two. I use a technique called re-engagement of customers. I use this Google facility to win back the clients that have either lost interest in the product or to reinstate previously expressed interest. There are many customers who express interest in a product but get disengaged later. The idea of re-engagement is to coax them into becoming active customers again.

Google Remarketing for Customer Re-engagement

Google marketing toolkit has a new feature to it for remarketing. It is basically a way of advertising your website when the visitors are on other sites. When your clients visit your website a specific code is placed in their cache file. This identifies the specific pages on your website. Now when the client visits other web pages and if he is using Google’s advertisement services, your ad might appear on the page he is visiting. Now, whose ad will appear on the page depends on user location, price, and timing.

Google Customer Re-engagement key features

-Similar to most Google programs, this is a clever addition.

-Extremely valuable tool for B2B sales and lead generation people.

-Valuable for promoting special offers and for building awareness.

-Your keyword advertisement program becomes more targeted.

-In addition to the new customers, you can rekindle the customers that have shown interest previously by providing additional incentives.

About the Expanded Google Customer Match

Customer Match feature was introduced by Google in 2015. It allowed the advertisers to target custom audiences by using the email addresses from their Gmail, YouTube and Search campaigns. This feature is a powerful tool and as the online advertisers discovered methods for using it, Google expanded further in 2016 to maximize the shopping campaigns. Customer Match is easily outperforming all other competitors on Google SERP. The expanded reach is awesome, especially for the advertisers that do not have large customer email lists.

This new and improved Customer Match allows the advertisers to target their clients by matching their phone numbers and mailing addresses. So, during their ad campaigns, the advertisers can create a database of customer email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses etc in Google AdWords. The new AdWords UI allows you to upload the data using audience manager. Google provides a comprehensive guide for formatting and uploading the client data. You can use both hashed and unhashed data. They are matched with Google’s strings to identify the hits. These matches are later added to the advertiser’s Customer Match lists by the Google AdWords.

Using the expanded Google Customer Match Feature

I can now use the newly expanded customer match feature for creating an audience with combinations of their contact information. The created database gives you an opportunity to target them in your Shopping, Search, YouTube and Gmail campaigns. The new AdWords UI gives you an opportunity via audience manager to do this. This feature is now universally available. Google also gives you a complete guide for formatting and uploading the client data.

I was just using the SMS campaigns or email marketing lists before Customer Match happened. It has improved my strategy. Now I can use the direct mail lists to leverage my campaign to another level. More the data you can provide to Google, more are the chances that the great search engine will match it with the users.

This is an exciting feature to me and I suppose to all the marketers especially to those who have already discovered the power of Google Customer Match.

Google Customer Match Tips for a Winning Campaign

1. Bring the offline clients online. This is a common problem for the offline businesses because they cannot target the audience in the same way as the online business campaigns. Bring the offline clients online by storing the email lists. Most advertisers create a remarketing list for search ads. Customer match for search ads allows you to raise or lower the position of search ads depending on the presence of a user on email lists. In my case, existing customers give me the highest conversion rate.

2. I will now upload the list of existing clients to Google and it will create a list of similar or lookalike audiences. Wouldn’t it be great to have a list which tells you who the highest paying customers are? You will get more clicks and conversions this way.

3. A problem with remarketing is that if the user changes his device, you lose track of his information as a result. Cookies are not interchangeable on devices and they do not move to the new device. This problem can be resolved by using the Google Customer Match.

4. Do not allow the existing customers to see your re-engagement ads. Use the Customer Match lists to exclude existing clients. Create some exclusive offers for the current customers. Make two sets of ads, one for the existing customers and the other new ones.

5. Google Customer Match is versatile and can be useful in account-based marketing. It allows you to avoid spraying the ads all over the internet and target specific organizations you wish to reach. For example, you can find the customers who spent 10K on PPC marketing last month. This could be your qualifying question and a list of such users can be created.

6. A normal adult user gets more than 100 emails every day. This makes it hard for the right email to stand out in the inbox. For this, you can use the Google Display Network and increase brand awareness.

The Huge Opportunity

Addition of Google re-engagement facilities to your advertisement campaign maybe a slight change in strategy but it is a valuable addition for targeting the audience. It is beyond what was deemed possible before. New engagements of customers combined with re-engagement create a great opportunity for the marketers. Look at it this way. You have a comprehensive list of customer phone numbers, email ids and mailing addresses giving you a chance to reach an audience that has possibly lost interest in your product a long time ago.


The solution was built by Google to target the companies that sell online and are basically looking to reduce shopping cart desertion rates. Even if you don’t actually sell, you will maximize return on investment into Google Keyword advertising. The expandable targeting options with phone numbers and mailing addresses allow users to reach more searchers. This database created by using email marketing lists, direct mail lists, and SMS campaigns can be used to leverage your advertising campaign.