Men & Women Need to Reduce Excess Estrogen for Disease Prevention & for Good Health

Failure to address this important issue will most certainly lead to premature aging and poor health as this article will explain.

After much research in the field of hormone therapy, I have come to the realization that most women in our society are estrogen dominant, and in fact many men have now a far greater abundance of the predominantly female hormone estrogen in their body’s than the “manly” hormone testosterone.

Excess Estrogen – How it Can Happen

There are many reasons why most people in our society have too much estrogen in their systems. The main reasons are as follows:

1) Too much estrogen produced by the body – stress increases estrogen production as do ovarian cysts and tumors. Excess body fat is a major cause, as the fat contains an enzyme called aromatase which converts adrenal steroids to estrogen. This is present in men and women and is the main reason why people over 40 start to produce large amounts of estrogen – as you will see, the results of this can be disastrous for your health!

2) Estrogen Replacement Therapy – synthetic estrogens found in HRT and birth control pills have large amounts of synthetic estrogens which only add to your body’s already excessive estrogen levels.

3) Xeno-estrogens – these are industrial, chemical, agricultural pollutants and toxins which are strongly estrogenic. They are everywhere and are a major problem in our society. They get into our bodies and are then not easily removed. They closely mimic the effects of estrogen, and cause havoc with our hormones.

4) Food – massive amounts of hormones are injected into beef and poultry to fatten them up. By eating hormone fed meat you can greatly upset your natural hormone balance, and estrogen dominance is the most likely outcome. Even the plastics and containers used for food storage contain xenoestrogens which further compound the problem.

5) Too little estrogen removed by the body – estrogen is removed by the liver, and due to poor liver function (alcohol, viruses, drugs etc) it can accumulate in our bodies.

6) Pre-menopausal drop in Progesterone – progesterone is your body’s protective mechanism against the damaging effects of estrogen, however as you approach menopause (even many years before) your ovaries fail to produce as much progesterone as they were before. If you don’t ovulate in some cycles, which can happen before menopause, you will not produce any progesterone at all.

For women slow hormone metabolism can seriously disrupt estrogen levels, and can also lead to the productions of an estrogen metabolite called 16-hydroxyestrone. This is not a good estrogen to have floating around in your body as it leads to numerous symptoms like hot flushes, weight gain, vaginal dryness, unwanted facial hair, dry skin and wrinkles etc.

The problem is, if you go to your doctor with these symptoms he will more than likely diagnose estrogen deficiency and prescribe you more estrogen – which is exactly what you don’t need!

Excess Estrogen – Health Problems

If you have estrogen dominance, these are some of the health problems you may be facing at some stage if you don’t act to rectify this problem:

As you can see estrogen dominance is a major health issue and is not to be taken lightly. This is a serious health problem and you should work with your doctor to help your body re-balance and return to an equilibrium.

What is The Solution to Estrogen Dominance?

1) Get your estrogen levels accurately checked – saliva hormone testing is the only way to measure free and bio- available hormone levels in your body. Blood tests are inaccurate as they only measure bound or inactive hormones. If you have any of the problems or symptoms listed above you need to immediately check the free estrogen level in your body. You can email below to find out how you can do this.

2) Perform a whole body detoxification to remove the xenoestrogens from your body that are a major cause of estrogen dominance – without removing these toxic chemicals you will have a hard time getting your hormones back into balance.

3) Balance your excess estrogen with natural progesterone, which is your body’s protective weapon against the damaging effects of too much estrogen. The correct progesterone is important here of course, as is the right dose. The benefits of boosting your body’s levels of natural progesterone are numerous. Progesterone is cardio-protective and has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer (breast and endometrial), it is a natural anti-depressant and diuretic (water pill), it increases libido and stabilizes blood sugar, it improves thyroid hormone action and increases bone building. Need I say more.

4) Di-Indole methane (DIM) is a natural substance found in cruciferous vegetables which has been proven to have estrogen blocking properties for both men and women. If you have estrogen dominance this supplement can help you reduce the unwanted estrogenic effects and to help your body return to a healthy hormone balance. It has been shown to help men with prostate problems as well.

5) Pregnenolone is the precursor for progesterone in your body – by taking this natural hormone you will effectively help your body to boost the levels of the health giving progesterone. At the same time you will be taking one of the most powerful brain function boosting supplements known to man – you win on both counts.

You cannot ignore the danger that estrogen dominance poses to your health – in my opinion this is a very potent cause of aging for both men and women in our society, however it is one which can be readily addressed and rectified.

For more information on estrogen dominance or any other anti aging topic, feel free to contact me directly.