Let us begin with making it clear that we are not speaking of faith in a religious sense, but rather as a mental force used by all humans. This article is an objective exploration of the power of faith, and how the average person uses it.

Faith is possibly one of the most powerful forces of the human mind. Faith can make a person sustain unbearable difficulties, activate infinite creativity, or create an impregnable wall of limitations.

Faith in being able to invent the light bulb powered Edison to continue after 10,000 failures until he succeeded;

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

? Thomas A. Edison

There are many examples of the physical and emotional power of faith, both in astounding success stories, as well as the billions of untold stories of failures. Ethic 12; Everything Exists Only Because Of Its Opposite can be applied when it comes to faith, in the sense of having faith in success or in failure.

To discuss the benefits and power of faith is unnecessary, we all knows it values. Many people feel they do not have any faith and wish they could have faith as some do, but just cannot kindle its fire. The idea that one who is lacking in fire or motivation does not have faith, is actually a lie.

The fact is that we all have faith.

It’s just that we often have faith in the opposite of what we want.

It’s very easy to know what you have faith in, just describe the current state of your life. It is just as easy to do it the opposite way, find what you doubt you will have or succeed in, and you know that you have faith in its opposite.

Some people sadly have a devout faith in their destiny to fail at everything they do. Everyone has faith in something but, faith can also blind one. Faith is therefore a dangerous asset if not used wisely because it will be used by default in something either constructive or, destructive.

Be faithful to your beliefs and opinions,

but objective at the same time.

Religions, as well as logic would agree on the following thought, merely changing the word ‘God’ for ‘nature’. “God, or nature, does nothing without a good reason. Humans have a logical mind for a reason, use it!.”

Ethicalism says to accept the ethics, then test them and prove each ethics’ validity or falsity through logical and direct personal experience before rejecting or making it part of one’s beliefs.

You can easily test these ideas about faith and how you may have faith in a negative outcome for your life, and how that creates the material result of what you have faith in. Remember, faith is power, it is the fuel to the engine. It will move you in any direction you put your faith into.

The effort one puts in to any task is directly proportional to the faith one has in succeeding. Be that resolving a problem, learning something new, undertaking an adventure, or anything that is in the least challenging, even having a decent day.

Faith is pure emotion. A human being is emotional, be that positive or negative. Positive emotion is the fuel to creativity while negative emotion is the fire that just burns up the fuel. Emotion is what makes a human different than an animal. We are all feeling emotions at all times, and faith is to emotion as oxygen is to blood.

Faith, like all things in this dualistic world, is the opposite of doubt. Normally, people accept that any thread of doubt destroys perfect faith. The objective view mentioned in Ethic 12; Everything Exists Only Because Of Its Opposite, shows that Faith and doubt are simply two sides of the same coin. That coin has the same buying power, it’s just what you purchase that changes, success or failure.

Do You Trust You?

Most people agree that a person who does not have a strong code of moral ethics cannot be trusted fully and so emotions and an open heart are always restrained in relationships. If one wants to feel pure and full emotions, one needs to feel the other can be trusted.

The point of this article is to have you ask; ‘how well do you trust yourself?’ Do you feel worthy of success and happiness and all that you dream of having? Or, do you doubt your worthiness in any way?

There is a difference between being worthy and being capable. One can be capable; have the skills, intelligence, or anything else required for success, yet not feel worthy of its rewards.

The ethics will make one worthy of what one desires through a life that is lived with integrity. Without a code of conduct, we know that given too much power can turn one into a bad person.

Poor people generally have a dislike of rich people with the generalization that a rich person must be a crook or some other derogatory label. These fixed opinions associated to wealth or success, due to knowing that ones moral compass is broken, will create faith in failure due to the doubt that one will remain pure in mind and heart if wealth is achieved.

Thus one will have faith in their ultimate failure, which is a subconscious preventative medicine to having the power to do harm.

Doubt, the other side of the coin of faith, kills positive emotion and breeds fear if left to grow. Doubt paralyses with fear.

Consider what you fear, any and every fear you have. The pain of guilt for hurting others is a pain that many people fear. This fear is alleviated by having Ethical guidelines to live by which will prevent one from doing any harm, and thus allow the faith for success to grow, creativity to be activated, and positive emotions with a happy life to flourish.

Without positive emotion, one is just going through life like a robot until the body dies. It’s time to start living with faith that you can live with integrity and harm no one.