The constant harping on faith and trust by those who promote religious dogma as truth is a trick. Faith is nothing more than believing in what one hears of reads from others as fact. It has nothing to do with reality. Trust is taking someone at their word and that includes books written to persuade them that something that is fiction is true. Make-believe is a magic formula for transferring fiction into something believable. Religions rely on all three to survive.

With the experience of reincarnation behind me and a strong link to the Spirit the commission to remove the wall of deceit. It stands before those who seek a closer relationship with God as a barrier of thick fog to prevent the truth from being discovered. Consequently those who want to explain the religious gods delve into faith and trust in desperation to be believed.

The gods they promote are based on the Babylonian transformation of the sun into human form. It was stylized into a woman with many different attributes. She was called 'Ma-ry' which means 'mother's powerful eye'. She is also the 'Eye-star' or 'Istar' which became 'Ishtar' when the Greeks inserted the letter [h], for the 'seat of Zeus' or the 'mountain peak' where that god supposedly sits.

As the 'eye of light' or 'Is' this term was doubled to 'Isis' another name for the Mother God along with all the other names and aspects of it.

When Constantine established the Catholic Church in 325 AD he used Mary as the Mother of God when he put up the image of Jesus Christ as its crucified Savior. His goal was to use religion as a force to help him control the massive empire over which he manipulated sole rule having disposed of at least three other Caesars, the last being his eldest son, Crispus. He is identified as 666 in Revelation 13: 12-18

Religious credibility is therefore dependent on one's imagination and trust to be effective. Faith is the mortar holding the bricks of deceit in place. Only those with a genuine spiritual link know not to trust in anything but the little voice within that leads and guides them.