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Whether someone wants to buy a book, or a pair of shoes, she probably wants a testimony from another person. When I want to purchase a book on Amazon, I read the opinions of those who have read the book. Yes, I’m interested in what this person has to say because she can share her testimony.
When a Christian shares their testimony, it is their firsthand experience of asking Jesus to enter into their heart and soul. Their testimony is their facts and evidence of being a Christian.
Step 1 Begin with a Prayer
When we, Christians, begin any project, I believe we should first pray. The first thing I want you to do is pray. 1 Timothy 2:1 (MSG)
So at this very moment I am going to say a prayer for you, my Christian Friend.
I would like to lift up this Christian friend to you. Lord,
I thank you for her taking the time to read this article.
I ask you to guide her thoughts and empower her words
that she may make a difference in someone’s life. Guide
her testimony to be a tool which will lead others to you-
whether now or in the future.
I ask you for these things in the Power of Jesus Holy Name.
Now take a moment of silence. Pray for the person who will read or hear your testimony.
Step 2 Define your Goal for Your Testimony
You may be saying, “What are you talking about? I know that you share your testimony so that God may use it to touch someone’s life.”
To that I’d reply: “You’re absolutely right.”
But, is there anyone in particular that you want to receive/read your testimony? Who is it? Your son? Your daughter? Your grandchild? Other Friends? Relatives?
The Bible tells us: Tell your children and your grandchildren about the glorious miracles He (God) did. Deuteronomy 4:9 (TLB)
Only God and you know your goal.
My goal for my testimony is to pass it on to my son, my granddaughter, my stepchildren, and grandchildren and those who will follow me. I also hope that God will use the words of my testimony to plant seeds for others so that they also will share hope with their loved ones and with future generations.
What about someone who says in front of others that he knows me? I will also say in front of my Father who is in Heaven that I know him. Matthew 10:32 (New International Reader’s Version)
Step 3 Consider the Facts
No matter the facts, whether you were 7 years old or 97 years old, God can still use your story. So here’s some questions just to help you start thinking it through.
- How old were you? (If you don’t know exactly, just approximate.)
- What church were you attending? Where was the church located?
- When did you invite Jesus into your heart? (If you’re like me you may not know the specific date. However, you may know your age, season, or the year. I know that I was nine years old and that it was during a spring time revival.)
- Where were you when you accepted Jesus as your Savior?
- Who led you to accept Our Lord? Family Member? Sunday school Teacher? Pastor? Friend? Other Person?
- Who else influenced your decision?
- Do you remember what else was going on that day? (Bible School, Sunday Church Services, Revival?)
- Did you answer Jesus’ call immediately or did you delay?
- Describe the feeling you had.
Obviously, the answers to these questions will vary. Consider the fact that some people accept Jesus at a very young age and others at a mature age. And since God made each one of us unique our answers will automatically be diversified.
That’s what makes your testimony so powerful. You will be able to reach someone, whom others cannot, because your story is unique to you.
Step 4 Create Your Story
… if anybody asks why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him, and do it in a gentle and respectful way. 1 Peter 3:15 (TLB)
Using your answers to the above questions, write your story. You may choose to create an outline first or just write a rough draft. Do it in the way you feel most comfortable.
So why don’t you begin to write your story about when you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Go ahead. Do it now!
5. Share Your Testimony in your Faithbook
Perhaps God is calling you to write your testimony. In the written form it can be shared in your Faithbook. Your loved ones now as well as those who will follow you in the future may benefit from your words.
If God is stirring in your heart to write the story of your testimony, start right now. Don’t delay. I do want to point out friends that time is of the essence. There is no time to waste… 1 Corinthians 7:29 (MSG)
You don’t know who God may influence with your story.
Scripture marked (TLB) are taken from The Living Bible ©1971 Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, IL 60187. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson, 1993, 1994, 1995. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Scripture marked (New International Reader’s Version) are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.