TAGS: #starbucks

Finally–I had my answer.
For several days I had been struggling with headaches. They would appear almost like clockwork about an hour into my daily routine. Pounding, pulsating and throbbing until well after lunch, when they would finally subside to a dull ache.
I racked my brain to figure out what had started this. I had never had a problem with headaches. Never had a migraine, only the occasional sinus issue, and rarely had any headache to really speak of.
But now, they were making daily appearances in my noggin, tap dancing across my cranium like the Rockettes on steroids.
My mind started reeling…what could this be? Is it stress? Diet? Lack of exercise? Or God forbid…something worse?
As I was driving the morning commute, I began to backtrack and see what had changed over the past few days. Without even thinking, I started to pull into Starbucks for my daily mocha latte. Then I remembered I had given that up because it was getting too expensive, so I sped past and continued towards the office.
THAT was the reason my headaches had begun. It wasn’t diet or stress or anything else–it was caffeine withdrawal!
My body and mind had become dependent on the daily dose of caffeine provided by the kind, caring folks at Seattle’s most famous export. And when that dose was taken away, it rebelled–in a painful, crushing-blow that rocked my entire world.
Amazing, isn’t it? How our bodies can betray us. We consume something that’s so delicious and seems so innocent, yet is continually feeding the Jones inside of us. And when it’s removed from the picture, the Jones wakes up, grabs our skull with both hands and squeezes with vice-grip pressure.
I felt instantly better knowing it was only the lack of caffeine in my system–and not a grapefruit sized brain tumor–that was causing my morning pain-sprees. But I wasn’t about to head to the breakroom and pour myself a Hulk Hogan sized mug of java juice. No sir. I was going to lick this thing for good.
And with that, I continued on to work, determined to kick my addiction and become a caffeine free me. No more soda. No more coffee. No more 2 am Mountain Dews.
That was six weeks ago, and the headaches have been gone for a long time. In fact, they only lasted a few more days. And guess what? Since I ditched the caffeine fairy, I feel GREAT! I sleep better, eat healthier, and yes–even have more energy. Who woulda thunk it?
But what about you? Are you suddenly experiencing headaches were there were none before? You might be having a caffeine withdrawal. But don’t run off to Starbucks for an extra large espresso with whipped cream dripping down the side. Just sit tight. It will go away very very soon.
And when it does, you’ll be headache free and feel better than you have in years–I guarantee it!