TAGS: #beijing

Many have expressed an interest in my sharing this immensely eye-opening experience. The purpose is provide a basis for reflection on our own assumptions and appreciation for how we learn so much form walking with people of different cultures. I know you will find many helpful ways to apply these observations and principles to your own settings.
This Ezine series provides 4 Lessons about Change.
If you think the world at large is experiencing change quickly, the pace of change in China over the past 10-20 years is unmatched. In order to capture the scope of the rapid change, consider these quick points:
- Construction has been so rapid and sustained that for 5 years almost 25% of the world’s construction cranes are at work in Shanghai.
- Beijing’s population was 15.38 million in 2005, 15.81 million in 2006 and 16.33 million in 2007, and June 2009 it is 17 million.
- 25% of Beijing’s population are immigrants- foreigners and villagers.
- In 1987 there were about 150 high-rise buildings in Shanghai. In 2009, it is estimated that even while construction is continuing rapidly, there are over 3,000 high-rises.
Breaking the Mold. Sometimes traditional society (even 8000 years worth) can be poised for rapid change contrary to the theories and books, they can welcome change. This has been one of the most amazing observations for me during the trip. Most societies, organizations, even individuals are not willing to change, but here I encountered a whole community poised, ready, and eager for change. I had never seen anything like it. They are seeking to understand how to adapt better to change, and how to help their workers make the shift successfully as well.
Seeking Views from Outsiders. What’s more, the Chinese community surprised me even more by seeking advice diligently from outsiders. Even progressive societies usually seek advice and direction from their own society and culture; it is not easy to reach outside for direction. The eagerness to admit the need to learn, collaborate and work together was inspiring.
Considering Different Teaching Approaches. In the sessions with the students and faculty, I presented in a different format than the traditional. I stretched the usual lecture style to be modestly more dynamic, interactive with the participants and upbeat. This effort of contextualizing my style was surprising successful. I was surprised that students and faculty responded to this approach, they remarked on the manner, the content and my excitement. Even this particular higher education community is ready for the change in teaching.
Do Not Be Lulled into Complacency. Even in the midst of this unparalleled experience of progressive thought and excitement, one cannot be lulled into thinking the old guard will not fight change. Even in the midst of vast and rapid change, those who hold the unbending traditions of the ancestors as gospel will emerge ready for battle from time to time.
How are you coping with change in your life? Do you readily embrace new opportunities? Or do you fight against it until you no longer have a choice? If so, what do you gain with this approach? Based upon the responsiveness to change above, how can you be more open to change today: in your personal life, professionally? How about regarding change for yourself, family or organization?
Consider, count the cost, but sometimes you just need to step out of the comfort zone!