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French candy is rich in history and tradition as well as being very tasty. You can take a whole tour of France just by tasting these unusual candies – each with its unique story. Enjoy your bonbons.
Le Calisson
A calisson is a little treasure of a candy to be savored slowly with much appreciation. These diamond shaped candies are made from a jelly of ground almonds and melon and are topped with white royal icing. They are a specialty of Aix in the south of France and at one time in history even served as the eucharistic bread in Catholic churches in the area.
Les Marrons Glaces
These are whole candied chestnuts and are a speciality of the Ardeche region in the south of France. They are meant to be eaten whole just as as they are although you can also find jars of broken ones used for cooking. In France, candied chestnuts are eaten mostly at Christmas time.
Le Nougat de Montelimar
The Nougat of Montelimar comes from the south of France and is sanctioned by an AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controlee). A product that marks itself with the appellation must contain a minimum of 30 percent almonds (or 28 percent almonds and 2 percent pistachios) and 25 percent honey. This sticky nougat also characteristically features egg whites which makes an airy, light candy. Nougat is often featured as one of the thirteen desserts at Christmas eve celebrations in Provence.
Les Pastilles de Vichy
These hexagonal hard candies were developed as a digestive aid by a pharmacist working in Vichy in the 1800's. They incorporate the mineral salts contained in Vichy water and come in mint, lemon and anise flavors. Perhaps you would enjoy trying them as an accompaniment to your next ten course French meal.
Les Cachous
These licorice drops were invented by a pharmacist, Leon Lajaunie, working in Toulouse in the late 1800's. The success of this candy is attributed as much to its innovative packaging as to its taste. Lajaunie had the brilliant idea of marketing his licorice drops in a special little yellow box that persists to this day, with more than 10 million tins sold each year.
Le Berlingot de Nantes
A berlingot is a hard candy with an unusual tetrahedron shape that invites you to turn the candy over and over in your mouth. It comes in just about any flavor you can imagine and is a speciality of the city of Nantes, in north western France. There is also a striped berlingot that hails from Carpentras and the two cities like to contend which was the originator of this fun candy.
La Betise de Cambrai
These candies were supposedly invented as a result of an error or stupidity (the French word betise does not have a perfect English translation) committed by an apprentice candy maker in the 1800's in the northern town of Cambrai. They are white mint flavored hard candies with a strip of caramel on the side to sweeten their taste.
La Bergamote de Nancy
The town of Nancy in the north east region of Lorraine is renamed in France for its bergamot candy. Bergamot is a sort of orange tree that produces a very sour orange, and it is the essence from the peel of this orange that is used to make these square, slightly sour candies.
L'anis de Flavigny
These hard candies have a surprise at their center – an anise seed. They come in several enchanting flavors including rose, orange, anise, licorice and mint. These days there is only one company making these candies which are a speciality of Flavigny-sur-Ozerain in the Burgundy region of France.
Le Negus de Nevers
Another candy from the Burgundy region, this one features a soft chocolate center encased in a hard, clear candy coating. These candies are difficult to make and must be made by hand, considering adding to their mystique. They were invented by a candy maker for the World Expo in 1901 and are named after the ruler (or negus) of Ethiopia who was visiting France that year.