When the lining of the stomach is inflamed, irritated or infected, it is called gastritis. The condition can be chronic or acute. It is usually chronic among people who suffer from extreme cases of iron deficiency. Any type of stomach disorder can disrupt the regular functioning of the digestive system and can lead to other physical disorders including ulcers. The symptoms of gastritis can get worse with the intake of rich and spicy foods. So it is recommended to avoid warm foods. Here are some natural Homeopathic remedies to cure gastritis.

Coconut: Coconut water is an effective remedy; it allows the stomach to rest while providing the required minerals and vitamins. Consuming coconut water alone during the initial stage of gastritis can greatly help cure the condition.

Marigold: Marigold is an herb that can is used to treat gastritis. An infusion made from this herb should be taken daily, one tablespoon twice a day.

Rice: Acute cases of gastritis can be cured with the intake of rice gruel. One cup taken twice on a daily basis can help improve mastication of food in the stomach as they promote the flow of gastric juices.

Lycopodium: Also called grape vine, this is a kind of club moss found in tropical areas and mountains. The intake of lycopodium helps relieve gastritis symptoms such as indigestions, belching, stress and bloating.

Buttermilk: A mixture of curd, buttermilk, cumin water and asafetida can be highly beneficial for those suffering from gastritis.

Water: Drink a lot of water daily. Drink at least eight large glasses of water a day.

Potato: The juice from potato has been proved to relieve gastritis. Drink a half cup of potato juice a half hour before meals, at least 2-3 times a day.

Nux Vomica: The seeds from an evergreen tree, which contain brucine and strychnine, are used to make Nux vomica. Gastritis symptoms such as stomach pain, heartburn, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can be relieved with Nix vomica.

Garlic: For immediate relief from gastritis, take 2 pieces of garlic and roll it in dry seedless grape. This provides fast relief from the discomforts caused by the condition.

Veratrum Album: White hellebore or Veratrum album is common in Europe. It bears a yellowish-white flower and is highly poisonous. Veratrum album is a natural treatment for gastritis and it can relieve most symptoms of gastritis such as hiccups after consuming hot drinks, belching, belching after eating, mucus ejection when burping, vomiting, terrible hunger and great thirst.

Pulsatilla: Pasque flower, a dried herb, is used to make Pulsatilla. This remedy is ideal for those whose symptoms keep varying a lot. Heartburn and bloating are two common symptoms that can be effectively treated by Pulsatilla. It also relieves other symptoms including depression, loss of appetite, diarrhea, white coating on tongue and greasy taste in the mouth.

Peppermint: Peppermint provides a lot of benefits for those suffering from gastritis. It contains several volatile oils like menthol which relieves stomach ulcers, indigestion and other stomach related problems.