TAGS: #respect

The issue of respect in a relationship comes up a lot, and that's because mutual respect really is an important ingredient for a happy romantic relationship. We men, we need to be taken seriously, we need to be listened to, we need to be followed, satisfied and appreciated.
And when we're not … guess what? We feel disrespected.
I personally feel disrespected when I am lied to, refused, interrupted, not taken seriously, ignored, cursed, made intentionally jealous, promised something and not delivered and so on. All of these, when done by the girl I love, make me feel disrespected, and they'd probably make you feel disrespected too.
Why Women Tend To Disrespect Men
Now, the reality is that even some of the most loving and caring women could sometimes say or do something than could offend us. And that's because they behave in the way they 1) are used to, 2) feel like in a specific moment, 3) or want to test our reactions.
But no matter what their reason for second class behavior is, it is not a beneficial factor for your relationship to accept it. You as a man need to set some boundaries and not accept second class behavior from your love partner.
Why? I have two simple reasons for you:
1) Because you lose her respect and also her attraction along the way.
2) Because you indirectly encourage her to continue disrespecting you, and thus create more pain and suffering in your relationship. And both of these reasons unavoidably lead to painful breakups.
How To Get Her To Respect You More
So what do you do? My best piece of practical (and no theoretical bullshit) advice for you is to: point out any and all situations where she behaves in a unacceptable way and let her know that you don't approve of her behaving in such a way. As simple as that.
But of course, you have to do that in a calm and collected manner so that she doesn't feel like being in a relationship with a dictator.
As the saying goes " you have to teach others how to behave with you ", and that's exactly what you have to do in a relationship – educate her to behave in a way that makes you feel happy and satisfied, rather than accepting behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable and frustrated.
And that's what she should do too, she should let you know any time she does not like something in your behavior. This way you'll both know each other's boundaries and you'll make sure to respect them.