Worldwide E-Biz – The internet has pierced the boundaries of nations and expanded e-biz like never before. A software product developed by Microsoft or Google or even small developer can be bought anywhere in the world or may not be bought at all. The success of any venture depends on advertising, yes targeted advertising. Google AdSense has brought in a revolution in advertising. It has the capability of delivering targeted ad campaigns in the locations you desire. But the question comes up where to target ads for your e-commerce business??

Financial Meltdown – You have been running the e-biz for the last five years. The sales were good and increasing month after month. You pumped more money in advertising and results were not commensurate to the ad campaign. And then the inevitable happened, the world financial meltdown. The sales plunged, the ad campaigns were curtailed and e-biz got into a vicious cycle of destroying itself. The ad campaign needs to be curtailed but not haphazardly. You need to see the value of advertisement, GIS has not one but many solutions.

Client Data – The great thing about e-biz is the data; you have data on the purchases made by the clients. This has the physical address, or the ZIP, or the IP address and thus a location. A simple Google map solution would get you a map of the locations where the company has sold its products. The GIS would give you the map of total sales in various regions; say town, city, county, state or country level sales.

Power of GIS – The GIS will also give you monthly, quarterly, or burst sales activities on a map. You get the real picture; Richland County generates maximum sale volume in summers and Sumter County in winters. So here you get a valuable input for running a localized ad campaign based on time of the year. Now you sell not in two or three counties but all over US, Canada and may be Mexico. You sell not one but many products. You need analysis on what sells where and how much… GIS is the key, GIS is the solution to get answers to utilize your ad budget effectively, be it Google AdSense or direct emails to potential customers.