Gourmet coffee specialty is not one and the same. What may taste flavorful for you may not be for others so you might want to know about which particular gourmet coffee is best for what.
What is Gourmet Coffee Anyway?
We might immediately think that because it is gourmet, the taste is much better than just ordinary coffee. There is basis for this assumption. In fact, the Specialty Coffee Association of America has labeled this type of coffee as something that is better when it comes to taste, color, aroma and everything else you are looking for in a coffee.
What Are The Gourmet Coffees Available Today?
The processing of coffee beans depends on what type of coffee bean it is. The two most common gourmet coffee available today are Arabica and Robusta. The former is generally pricier than the latter for very good reasons.
Arabica beans produce flavorful Joes characterized by a very rich and smooth flavor and a divine aroma. Robusta is known to be less superior to Arabica. However, it still depends on your taste buds. Italians, despite the fact that Arabica beans are know to taste much better, still prefer Robusta for some reason.
Arabica Vs. Robusta
The main difference of these is that, Robusta trees tend to grow faster than Arabica. In fact, 3 years after planting Robusta, you can already harvest it. Arabica takes a maximum of five years before it can fully mature and produce beans.
Another reason why Arabica is much more expensive is because it does not easily flourish in any type of environment as opposed to Robusta. With Arabica, you need the right climate to grow this coffee tree. In many studies, Robusta has been proven to contain more caffeine. That means, it can "wake you up" better than drinking Arabica.
Arabica is much more favored despite the difficulty in propagating them due to the taste of the coffee beans it produces. It just has that distinct flavorful coffee taste unique to this coffee bean.
Coffee experts advise this and I will also advise to go for Arabica beans. They may be more expensive but they taste is well worth it. If you do not have the budget for this, you can also go for Robusta beans combined with Arabica. It is cheaper as it is not pure Arabica beans but if you are not really a coffee enthusiast, you will not notice a mixture difference.