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Anti aging products, remedies and treatments are extremely popular all over the world. Especially women spend thousands of dollars just to get hold of the right product that will make them appear younger and reduce wrinkles on their face. That is why researchers are always looking for cures and anti aging remedies to promote, and earn millions through their sales. Organic products, natural cures and natural treatments are much more popular than artificial remedies. Green tea is one of the most popular herbs used as an anti aging product. Green tea can make you look younger if you develop the habit of sipping a cup or two everyday.
Green tea has antioxidants which slow down the aging process and revitalize your skin tissues. Your dry, lifeless skin will appear fresher and radiant if you drink green tea regularly and make it a routine that you stay committed to. For people who love green tea, it comes as naturally as a drinking a glass of water. This herb has no side effects and can be used by any one without worries of blood pressure or heart problems.
Green tea lovers like to take it strong because of the sweet aroma it has. Health conscious people are mostly seen sipping a cup of green tea with a squeeze of lemon to enhance its anti aging properties. Lemon itself is enriched with vitamin C which nourishes and hydrates the skin ridding it of fats. Once it is combined with green tea leaves boiled in water then it works two folds.
What can be better than a natural and simple treatment for aging than green tea? It also brings body fat and sure you know that body fat ads to your age. Fat makes a person look 10 years older and green tea can fix this without any problems of liposuction or face lifts. Read more at Green tea Health [http://www.green-tea-health.com].
Green tea extracts can lighten the prominent crow's feet around your eyes, laugh lines and hand wrinkles which you always hate and can hardly ever conceal with makeup. Instead of going through nerve racking physical regimes to keep your face and body toned and healthy, green tea can make your life easier by giving you an easy to follow treatment.
People in Asia are very fond of this hot beverage and prefer it during winters over tea or coffee. This is the reason why they have healthy blemish free skins with hardly any spotting or acne problems.
If you are beauty conscious then green tea is the perfect natural tea you need to drink to replenish your skin and freshen up your complexion. It does not just work as an anti aging and anti wrinkle agent but also has numerous health benefits such as weight loss, better digestive system and reduces acidity. Green tea extracts are widely used in face products such as facial creams and it is also promoted as a health tonic to stay fit and healthy.