TAGS: #green tea

Following a green tea soap recipe allows you to understand the many benefits that this natural product offers. This type of soap is available in different cosmetic stores. The main components of this product are all natural including other essential plant oils. You can be assured that you will get the best benefit from using it as part of your daily beauty routine. If you are interested in preparing your own product, here is a green tea soap recipe to follow.
Homemade soap can be a great way to improve the cleansing ability and health quotient of your beauty care. Here are the things that you will need. Prepare large microwaveable container like 1 to 2 quart Pyrex measuring cup, wooden spoon, soap molds, soap base, strong and warm tea, kitchen scale, essential oil of your choice for example olive oil and soap coloring.
Basically, there are different types of these tea that you can choose from. Dragon Well green tea is named after the popular well in China and has bright green color and strong flavor. Jasmine green tea is a combination of green tea and Jasmine flowers. Herbal green tea such as echinecea or ginseng provides more health benefits than the others.
After you have gathered all the ingredients and equipment, you are now ready to prepare the soap base. The soap base is made from natural glycerin which is good for the skin. Chop this into about inch chunk. Fill the microwaveable cup and weigh to know how much soap you have according to weight. Put it in a microwave with medium heat for two minutes. Stir and heat it again for a minute until it becomes completely liquid. Then, pour the these tea while both solutions are warm. Stir the mixture to blend. After this, add essential oil and a drop of green coloring. You can now pour this in the soap molder and wait until it solidifies.
By following the green tea recipe provided above will lead you to create your personalized soap that is healthy to your skin. You can experiment on coming out with other variation like if you want to add extra texture, you may want to put ground tea leaves. If you want to add scent, you can make use of lavender oil. Learning about these tea soap recipes help you understand better how this organic and healthy soap benefits your skin.