It’s no surprise that mobile apps have taken a significant place in people’s lives and influencing their day-to-day activities. Grocery shopping is one of them. Forget groceries! There is truly nothing that apps do not help in. From shopping to entertainment, booking of on-demand services to paying bills, travel planning to event management, apps help in all.

With more people being observed to browse and buy things on their mobile phones and not desktops, developing apps for eCommerce now makes sense. In fact, for the grocery segment, where purchases are made on a regular or frequent basis, apps are must as it will help consumers buy things whenever they need from anywhere. With the trend of on-demand deliveries rising, it is just the right time for an app development for your grocery business to see profits growing. And what does it take to have such an app build? Definitely a reliable mobile app development team.

However, here are the features that you should consider for your grocery app and make sure that your app developers incorporate them.

User login

Just like in an eCommerce store, allow the buyers to sign up with an account providing their name, contact, delivery and payment details. This will make sure that they do not have to feed in all the details every time they make a purchase. The app will automatically use the saved information and help in placing orders at one-go.

Menu presentation/Categorisation

Well, if it’s about groceries, you got to be better at presenting all your products stock in the most composed and sorted manner. There are hundreds of thousands of products. Make sure to present them in a collapsible menu with dropdowns for various categories and sub-categories. Better UI here is essential to create an easy path for customers to checkout.

Payment preferences

Offer maximum conveniences of shopping with more payment options to increase conversions. Apart from usual COD (Cash-on-delivery), provide facilities for credit/debit card payments, net banking, or direct transfer payment with mobile wallets like Google Pay, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay.

Rewards collection

With your app, make grocery shopping less boring for the buyers. Give them reward coupons with every purchase which they can use later to get discounts. Referral rewards are great too. Let your customers win exciting offers when they refer someone to use the app. This could help you to gain a great number of customers.

Smart checkout

Create no fuss or trouble for customers during the checkout. Many leave the app at the final checkout stage because either it takes too much time or seems complex. Make your app’s check out absolutely error-free for assured conversions. Most importantly, make it bug-free and secure with most trusted payment portal services like Braintree or Stripe or

Delivery tracking facility

This is a must-have aspect for an on-demand grocery delivery app. Enable the app to send notifications regarding the different stages of an order shipment. Let them track locations with GPS feature when it is out the delivery. This way the customers can get to know about the whereabouts of the order and stay patient.

While an expert team of app developers is what you need to make an application for grocery delivery, these features are mandatory aspects to ensure it gets a higher number of users. So, do not forget to have a prior discussion with your app development partner on these features before getting started.