Hello Family,

Okay, most of you on this list probably don’t remember He Hate Me. Oh yes, that is a real person but his real name is Rod Smart. He got his claim to fame when he played in the XFL football league which was an extreme football league that only lasted for one season.

On the back of his jersey he had “He Hate Me” instead of his last name. It was interesting because that was allowed in the XFL. They did things a little different than the NFL. Smart said he used that name because whenever he did well on the field or was going to win the game, “he’s gonna hate me” referring to other people.

Isn’t that so true for all of us? How many times have you done something well and someone hated you for it?

What about your childhood friend who hated you because you were popular? What about your adult friend who hates you because your kids are better athletes and/or students and are well behaved? Or what about the family member who hates you because you are successful and they’re not?

What about the person who hates you because they are insecure? What about the person who hates you for NO REASON?

I think we all can get a jersey, t-shirt, socks, shorts, headband or something that has “He/She Hate Me” on it and at some point and time wear it. Some of us more than others.

Matthew 10:22 says And you will be hated for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

That’s right, even Christians are hated on. You can be the nicest, kindest, most giving, thoughtful, considerate, selfless person in the world and because you follow Christ, someone will hate you.

But according to the word, that’s okay because it also says that he who undergoes the hardship especially without giving in (endures), they will be saved. Saved from what you said, the clutches of Satan that’s what.

No matter what is going on in your life, you have a Savior who is more than capable of bringing you through any situation that you face.

If folks hate on you then you need to rejoice because victory is coming. You will not be overcome by evil because if you endure to the end, you will be saved!

And when God saves you from your haters, return the favor and love on them!

Be Encouraged and Have a Great Day!