Many Americans wonder, why, the most prosperous nation, in the world, is, statistically, far from the healthiest! Why do, so many of our citizens, feel the pressure, to be able to afford their health insurance, and medical expenses? Our politicians fight about the minutia, rather than the overall concept, and the best way, to ensure a healthier society, in the most affordable, beneficial manner. Republicans have spent, nearly a decade, opposing the Affordable Care Act, or what, we refer to, as, Obamacare, while failing to create a viable alternative, which might be better! When Donald Trump, campaigned for President, leading up, to the Presidential elections of 2016, he promised, health care, was simple to fix, and he would create a far better program, which was not only better, but far less expensive. So far, not only has he not suggested any alternative, which would do so, but, put in restriction, and other hindrances, which have weakened the existing plan, while doing nothing, to achieve, viable needs, and/ or, solutions. Recently, the so – called, Progressives, have championed, something, they refer to, as Medicare – for – All, demanding universal health – care. However, while there are many positive reasons, to support this, when one looks at the details, there are many questions, which still must be considered, and answered. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, both the positives, and negatives, of these proposals.

1. The positives: Wanting all Americans, regardless of economical ability, to be able to receive quality medical, and health care, at an affordable price, is certainly, a worthwhile objective! While the Affordable Care Act, was created, to attempt, to improve the system, because of politics, it was incomplete, especially in terms of making progress, in terms of prescription drugs, pricing (which are more expensive in the U.S., than most of the rest of world). Proponents point to the Universal Health Care, in many nations, such as Canada, Norway, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, etc.. as examples, of the concept, working. Opponents point at the high taxes paid, in many of those nations. However, when we add, the taxes we pay, to the cost of private health insurance, we realize, we are paying, just as much! They point to Medicare, as an example of an effective plan, while ignoring many of the challenges, in that program.

2. The questions, and the negatives: It’s important to recognize, Medicare, as it presently exists, is, also, a flawed program! Part B, only pays, about 80% of the Medicare – accepted, fee schedule. In addition to paying into this program, every tax period, for our entire lives, we pay about $1,800 per year, after we turn 65. The private insurance, for paying that difference, costs over $3,500, for the finest quality plans, and that does not include the costs of prescription drugs. In addition, while many doctors, might be willing to accept the reduced, Medicare rates, when it only pays for a small component of their overall patient – loads, would they agree, if it paid for all their patients, at that reduced amount?

3. Alternatives/ options: Wouldn’t there be, a better alternative of demanding lower drug prices, in this nation, based on negotiating the rates, paid, elsewhere? One of the other challenges is the cost of malpractice insurance, and, if we want to control, the rising costs of health care, there must be significant tort – reform, and guidelines. which would, obviously be, opposed, by a significant portion, of the legal lobby! Encouraging more competition, by including a public option, alongside private ones, and demanding, clearer explanations of coverages and exclusions, would go, far, in making enhancements and improvement.

President Trump was wrong, when he said, this task, would be easy, and progressives, are wrong, to over – simplify, what’s needed, and speak about universal coverage, without thinking about the nuances, etc. Wake up, America, and become your finest advocate, for a healthier nation, and citizens!