TAGS: #power
If you are someone who has become unmotivated and this is starting to impact your mindset, you are setting yourself up for further disappointment when you start on a new lifestyle plan. It can be a frustrating place to be. The issue is this: you feel as though you fail every time you try. This limiting belief means you do not put in as much effort as you should, or are not confident in your abilities. Each time you work up the courage to try again, these beliefs typically lead you down a path that does not produce results. Frustration sets in and you begin the cycle all over again, and this is less than optimal if you hope to maximize your success. So how can you fix this? What is the solution?
Change your mindset. You have to believe you can see the results you are wanting. If you can come to accept this, you can begin to look at the results you are seeking. Seems simple enough, right?
Here’s how to do it…
1. Analyze Your Previous Failures. First, you will want to look at your previous failures with your attempt to get fit and control your diet and work out what caused you to “fall off the bandwagon.” Perhaps it is something you didn’t have control over.
However, you now berate yourself because of it: this is not fair to you and is not doing you any favors. When you can see what is happening from an “outside” perspective, it can go a long way towards helping you reach the success you are looking for.
2. Talk to Others. It is also essential you talk to other people. Ask them how they arrived where they are today. Ask them if they would share some of their setbacks with you. The reason for doing this is not to probe, but rather to help you come to see everyone has set-backs from time to time. It is all a matter of perspective. Some view them as a chance to grow while others view them as a reason to not try again.
3. Look At Other Areas Of Your Life. Finally, consider other areas of your life. Have you failed in those? Moreover, are you doing okay now? As you will likely come to see, everyone fails at different areas of their life at least once or twice. However, if you pick yourself up, you will eventually see success. Now, this may be taking you a bit longer than you planned, but if you keep at it and work hard, you will get results. It is just a matter of using the right techniques along with a healthy mindset.
Keep these points in mind. Remember your mindset is very powerful for your overall results so you must do everything you can to ensure you have a healthy mindset as you set out on a new lifestyle plan.