TAGS: #rich people

The other day, I was talking to a security guard manager who was in charge of a very large club and golfing community. He said it was amazing how much the security systems cost, and how many people he had to employ to keep everyone safe. I explained to him that the rest of the population merely did a prayer, and maintained situational awareness relying on their neighbors to also look out them. He agreed and understood because he lived in a regular neighborhood himself, but he explained that many of these folks just wanted to be kept safe, and they were willing to pay for it. “Okay so, I have another idea” I told him.
Why not get the local bishops of the Catholic churches in the US to bless water trucks making the water inside holy? Then as each Mercedes, or high-end sports car drove in the gates of the community a misting system using reverse osmosis water for spot free rinse could merely mist the cars with that holy water? That would be like blessing the vehicles and the occupants inside. This way, they wouldn’t have to pay for expensive security systems, or more security guards. At first he laughed at the idea, but then he said that would be one possibility.
He smiled, took a few more sips from his Venti Frappachino and said to me; “But, even the Pope has a special security force, and also drives around in a bulletproof Pope Mobile.” Indeed he does, but does he have that vehicle washed with holy water? Maybe that’s the missing component? If he had the vehicle washed with holy water he might not need a bulletproof vehicle in the first place. Speaking of which, before retirement, I ran a car wash franchising company.
Do you think people would pay more to get their car rinsed with holy water at their local car wash? I bet they would, and it could be part of the deluxe car wash which was perhaps $15 more. The local car wash could donate half the money for the holy water upsell price to the Catholic Church, and keep the rest in profit. This way everyone wins, and the customer feels as if they are saved and safe from all those crazy drivers out there doing text messaging while they drive.
Who knows, maybe in the future you can go to the car dealership and buy a car which has been blessed by the Bishop, a Cleric, or a High Priest? It seems to me that might be a way for religious organizations to get more in tithing because when the economy is down they seem to have hardship getting donations. Please consider all this and think on it.