Since, for most of us, our house, represents the single – biggest, financial asset, wouldn’t it make sense, to do all we can, to choose, one, which serves as many of our needs, priorities, perceptions, and goals, as possible? How can anyone enjoy, this important component of the so – called, American Dream, if, they make owning a home, a stressful chore, rather than an enriching experience? When one begins his house – hunting, he should, do all he possibly can. to proceed, with a head/ heart balance, so, to be able, to take advantage of, both, the finest aspects of our logical, as well as, emotional components! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, what this means, and represents, and how, it, will make the process, far less stressful, and more fulfilling and satisfying.

1. Logical: Examine your reasons/ purposes, in wanting to purchase a house! When you begin your search, know what you are looking for. Are you, merely, trying to impress others, Keeping up with the Joneses? Or, will you, fully consider your personal priorities, needs, goals, both, today, and in the future? Do you know, what you can afford, both, up – front (including down – payment, closing costs, pre – paid expenses, etc), as well as, on a continuous, monthly basis? What is your personal comfort zone, and is it, realistic, or does it need, to be expanded? Will you buy, both, what you need, and can afford, or, become house – rich/ poor? Also, it’s important to examine, what your current needs are, and what you, foresee, in the future? Will you be happy, living in this area? Have you considered, costs, bang – for – the – buck, transportation/ commuting needs and convenience, houses of worship, shopping, schools, safety, and other necessities? Will you consider, why you want, a specific house?

2. Emotional: Most people develop, some sort of emotional connection, with their home, because of life experiences, while living there. However, many do not consider, and/ or, recognize, the emotional forces, which drive our decision – making process. These aspects include, making a connection, and visualizing, what it might mean and represent, to live, in a specific house.

Only when one proceeds, from the onset, with a head/ heart balance, and fully considering his needs, priorities, and goals, will he maximize the potential, to make the best, possible choice. Will you be, a wise, home buyer?