Do you want to know how the super successful overcome procrastination?

One fascinating hallmark of all highly motivated

millionaires is their strongly held conviction that they

will succeed. Whatever it takes and despite any challenges

that crop up.

How do they overcome procrastination?

People who are inspired by their dreams believe with

certainty they will achieve their goals even if they do not

know how all the details will work out. This sense of

certainty is due in part to their empowering belief system

and also to the way they represent their goals to

themselves inside their minds.

Have you ever got excited about your goals and then slowly

over time lost your enthusiasm? Most people do.

The difference is that the winners in life are able to

relight that passion and desire to keep on going until they

get what they want.

What are these rich and successful people doing differently

to everyone else? They know how to build an internal state

of certainty that they will succeed despite any short-term

challenges. This overcome procrastination.

You can have this same sense of certainty by visualizing

your top five goals as already achieved at least once a day.

Picture your goals as already achieved and enjoy the

feelings of satisfaction.

Hear people complimenting you on your success and really

soak up the feelings of success. Make the pictures, sounds

and feelings as lifelike as possible. Keep going until you

feel with certainty that you will achieve this goal — as

sure as the sun will rise in the morning!

When you do this you will overcome procrastination.

If the success of the goal seems uncertain play with the

picture in your mind until it does feel certain. Compare

how you picture, hear and see your goal with your

expectation that the sun will rise tomorrow. Making the

picture bigger, closer, brighter and more colorful usually

helps to make it seem more realistic.

When you do this each day you are telling your unconscious

mind to keep searching for ways to achieve your goal and

you will consistently be motivated. You will also find that

your intuition guides you and presents you with ideas that

will help you to move ahead.

It used to bother me picturing my goals as already achieved

to the point of certainty…

Overcome procrastination each day by doing this.

I feared that it would make me lazy since my brain would

believe the goal would just turn up. And I used to think if

I thought of the goal as certain I would be fooling myself

into believing I would achieve it despite immediate

evidence to the contrary.

However the opposite is true.

That sense of certainty propels you forward to create what

you are imagining. Plus when you are off target it stands

out a mile because your results are so inconsistent with

your expectations. You are then compelled to get back on


Like an artist expressing himself with paints you can

become an artist creating your goals in the world around

you from the inspiration inside your mind.

You will never have a 100% guarantee that you will succeed

however the more certain you feel about your future the

more energy you will invest in achieving your goals. And

the corresponding actions you take will naturally improve

your chances of success.

A number of years ago I saw Donald Trump, the New York

property developer, getting interviewed on TV. I paid close

attention to the way he communicated as well as to what he

said. He positively exuded certainty when he spoke about his

next big development. Every fiber of his being proclaimed

that the new venture would be a huge success.

Trump exudes certainty and this success aura attracts

investors and encourages other people to believe in his

vision. You can be sure that when he pictures his goals he

does so with certainty. Start small if you like and as your

confidence grows build up to bigger goals.

Remember to make this a daily habit and you will be able to

keep on going even at times when you face setbacks.

You will finally overcome procrastination.