Women are taught very young that if they let men go too far, they will be labeled with a bad reputation. They are cautioned that it is better for men to respect them, instead, because respectful girls are the kind that men choose to marry.

Having a man's respect is important. It adds value to the relationship and to your own self-respect, as well. Here are seven tips on how to make a man respect you.

Self Control
Have you ever seen someone totally out of control, whether due to anger, alcohol, drugs, or emotions? It isn't pretty, is it? No, and men don't think so, either. Have enough self-control to handle yourself and life's lessons. It is okay to drink, but not too much. It is okay to be hurt or angry, but deal with it maturely.

Don't Be a Gossip
Girls talk, everyone knows that. However, we have all known the true gossip, the one that talks about everyone and has no loyalty to anyone. Men defend each other and stick together. If you constantly kiss up to your best friend and then diss her when her back's turned, your man will lose respect for you and the way you treat other people.

Have Skills
Men like to brag on their women to their friends about their skills and talents. They also enjoy reaping some of the rewards of those skills, for instance cooking. Men seeking a mate have been told by their mothers for years to marry a girl who can cook. It comes in handy along with the ability to clean house, do laundry, sew, garden, and so forth.

Handling Finances
Men respect women who can handle money. Men also respect women who have their own money. Have some financial sense, keep money saved up for unforeseen events, have an IRA account, and maybe even start a stock portfolio. He'll be impressed.

Show A Little Kindness
Men admire women are giving to others and not self-centered. By working toward this goal, you'll be a better person. Participate in non-profit organizations, join clubs that help special kids or the elderly, pick up groceries for the elderly you know, adopt a stray animal, or volunteer at the humane society.

Honesty is the Best Policy
Don't start out on the wrong foot in a relationship by being dishonest. Once you've lied to a man and he finds out, it takes him a long time to trust you again, if he ever does. Just as your mom always told you, honesty is the best policy, even if it hurts or causes you shame or difficulty.

Don't Be Too Easy
Men do not respect women who give it up too fast. The first thing they think of is that you are this way with every guy you date. Take it slow, gain his respect. Good sex is worth waiting for, and the longer he desires you without having you, the more valuable the prize and he'll respect you for waiting.