The origin of happiness comes from the Middle English term: hap which means luck.

Basically being happy at that time meant having good fortune, and by extension being prosperous, and pushing further again being wealthy

That association between wealth and happiness has always been around, and that’s why that little concept popped up: ‘money does not make you happy’.

How useful! Rich people would be very happy because they were rich, and poor people would be very happy because they were sure that rich people (their worst enemy) weren’t happy because of their money!

Money does not make you happy, but it surely helps a lot!

If you put aside the spiritual aspect of life, do you think living in a cold rocky cave versus living in a cozy nice apartment would make you feel happier? If you feel guilty of being wealthy maybe, but otherwise I am pretty sure people would prefer a bit of luxury.

Money brings stability. Stability brings confidence and confidence brings peace, calmness.

It is far easier to move from a peace state to happiness rather to jump from misery to happiness, don’t you think?

Don’t be fooled, you can be wealthy AND happy. Actually most successful people, I mean people who achieved something themselves and didn’t take back their father’s business, are happy persons! And the incredible consequence of that is that happiness will maintain your confidence and will push you even further, to greater wealth!

The first spin of the wheel is not always easy, but you have to persevere! Keep your objectives in sights, your dreams that will drive you through the first cycle of the wheel! And then you just have to keep it spinning, by putting far less effort that it took in the first place.

A good characteristic of happiness is that it is contagious! Yes, like a virus, but a good one!

Try to hand around with happy people, that happiness will be communicated to you and will help you go through!

Here is an example. You always hang around with people complaining, people whining. How do you feel after having talked of them?

You might feel good if you could help them, but I you couldn’t (like most of the time), you just feel bad for them.

I have nothing against helping people, but some persons do not simply want to be helped! They just like their miserable state.

It is so easy to follow than to lead.

Things are so intertwined that you really want to be happy to get all the benefits of it!

Check my other articles about benefits and drawbacks of being happy.