Choosing a hunting bow can be quite challenging for a beginner. An individual will want to identify the main use, draw weight, draw length, arrow speed, total mass, color, bow length as well as other specifications pertinent to his or her situation. All these pieces of the puzzle will eventually determine the most vital factor of them all. Below is a look at how to choose the most appropriate hunting bows.

A hunter should first consider whether he or she can shoot the bow accurately. It may be possible for a single bow to fit all the requirements the hunter desires. However, more often than not, the selection process must involve making some concessions. When dealing with the issues of draw weight, draw length and bow mass, no compromises should be made. There is a wide range of choices in the total weight- or mass- of a hunting bow. One should bear in mind that the total weight increases as someone adds a quiver of arrows. Should the bow turn out to be too heavy, the archer will not be able to hold it comfortably enough to fire a shot correctly. On the other hand, it will be difficult to hold a hunting bow that is too light when aiming at the target. An effective way of correcting this is the additional of a stabilizer in order to achieve the right weight.

Another tip involves taking a close look at the draw weight. Most hunters try to use a bow having too much draw weight in order to get a faster arrow speed. When the correct amount of draw weight, the archer will be able to hold the pin on the target in a way that produces a steady, smooth draw. This will result in a much comfortable shot that creates the least movement for the target animal to recognize. When preparing to shoot a fast animal like a deer, it is common for the hunter to hold the bow at a full draw while anticipating the best shot. Should the holding weight turn out to be too great, the bow arm will probably register a 6.5 Ritcher scale reading.

It is advisable for a hunter to go for a draw weight that he or she can manage comfortably even when they must hold a full draw. When the weather is cold, one should put into consideration any additional clothing capable of restricting the drawing process. Some hunters own only a single bow that they use for both hunting and archery. For those who fall under this category, it is advisable for them to get a bow having adjustable modules. This is because it is possible to adjust the draw length using such a bow.

Archery requires a draw length that is slightly longer than may be used during hunting. It is therefore advisable to get hunting bows that have shorter draw lengths than those of archery bows. A majority of bows have adjustable draw lengths capable of accommodating the arm length of an average adult shooter.