TAGS: #morning

Unless you’ve lived with morning sickness, you have no idea what it feels like. You know that there really is no such thing as morning sickness because you’re sick all the time day and night, and if one more person tells you to eat crackers and drink water, you might just get sick all over them!
Morning sickness affects over 70% of pregnant women each year. For some it passes after the first trimester, for others it can last the entire pregnancy. Not fun. The results can include lack of nourishment for the mother and baby and in severe cases, hospitalization.
There are lots of products available for morning sickness but one of my personal favorites is free. Focused Meditation (FM) is a relaxation technique that brings about calmness. If you are suffering from morning sickness, it is a technique you can begin using right now. You can start to feel better in minutes.
Meditation is the most researched, most practiced relaxation technique in the United States.
How does FM work?
Focused Meditation suspends everyday thinking by focusing your mind on a specific word or phrase. The reason it works for morning sickness is because it trains your mind and body to respond differently to the changes that are taking place within your body. During pregnancy there are major physical, hormonal, and emotional changes taking place. The hormones that make your hair grow or give you that wonderful glow, are the same hormones that contribute to morning sickness. Focused meditation gives your mind and body another option.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) explains that mostly all types of meditation have 4 key elements: It should be practiced in a quiet location, you must be in a comfortable position, you must have a focus of attention, and an open attitude. Focused Meditation has all of 4 of these components.
Instructions for Focused Meditation (FM)
First, choose a word or phrase. You may also use a prayer, affirmation, or sound. A sample focus word is Peace. Be in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Get into a comfortable position, either laying down or sitting in a comfortable chair, and relax your muscles from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.
Focus on your breathing by paying attention to your inhale and your exhale. Notice the rhythm of your breathing but do not change it.
Center your mind with your focus word or phrase.
Do not judge yourself. Have an open mind. Develop an Oh Well response. If a distracting thought enters your mind, say Oh well and let it float away
Close your eyes, deeply relax all of your muscles beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face. Keep them relaxed. Inhale through your nose and exhale from your mouth. As you breathe in and out, repeat your focus word or phrase.
Breathe easily and naturally.
Continue for 10 minutes. You may open your eyes to check the time, but do not use any type of alarm. When you finish, sit quietly for a few minutes. As you practice this technique, do not worry about whether or not you are doing it right. Keep your attitude light and allow relaxation to occur at its own pace. When distracting thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not focusing on them and return to your focus word.
With my first pregnancy, I had morning sickness for the first 5 months. I couldn’t eat, take prenatal vitamins (made me nauseous) or smell anything citrus without a problem. Nothing worked for me. Within 2 days of using FM twice a day for at least 10 minutes, I woke up with no morning sickness!
After I had my first child I taught this technique to other pregnant women to see if they experienced the same results in the treatment of morning sickness. 92% reported that morning sickness was completely gone as a result of Focused Meditation. The other 8% felt that the condition went away on its own. Either way, all of the women stopped having morning sickness which is what you want! If you’ve tried everything else or even if you want to test the technique for yourself, give it a try. You have nothing to lose, except morning sickness!
Did you find this article useful? For free audio instruction of Focused Meditation and to download a copy of the 3-Day Mom Diet, visit our website at TheStressPlace.com [http://www.TheStressPlace.com].