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Dating A Chinese Woman?
With a plethora of online Chinese dating websites springing up all over the place, and also many men wanting to date a Chinese lady, it's probably better that we take a look at how to date a Chinese lady, as in truth their culture is vastly different , not to mention the fact that they are also women, and women can be an enigma at the best of times, Chinese or not!
So is there really any difference with dating a Chinese woman compared to a western one, or even Japanese or Thai women (in fact many Thai women are from Chinese extraction)? Or is it all the same really? Well, after having lived in China for over eight years I can tell you dating a Chinese woman is a very different experience from a western one.
So lets take a look at some things you should be aware of when you want to find out how to date a Chinese lady right now:
How to Date a Chinese Lady Basics
Firstly, let me let you into a little secret: Chinese women are not nearly so conservative as they, and other people and dating sites would have you believe. In all my experiences with them, if you can bridge that first cultural barrier you are likely to find a woman that can let herself go just as as much as any western woman can, if not more so in some cases!
So, what can we do in order to get her to the place where she will feel relaxed enough in order to show us her true character, so we can more correctly judge if this is a woman we will want to have a long-term relationship with? Because I can assure you, finding out months, and sometimes sometimes years later that your Chinese girlfriend or bride is totally unsuitable for you is a shock you really do not want (it's also very common too by the way; take it from me having known countless western / Chinese couples)!
1. Try not to be too tactile with a Chinese woman, they are not so used to it in their culture, and many will shy away from it. But, if there is a situation that may be dangerous, ie crossing the street, then do indeed guide her gently with your hands. This will really have a surprisingly strong positive effect on her, and it will relax her considerably.
2. Forget about the equal rights for women thing when paying the bill, no mainland Chinese woman wants to pay the bill, even the really great ones! It's simply part of their culture and thinking that it's a mans job to pay the bill, and that's that! You can feel free to re-frame her perspective at a later stage in a relationship, but it's just worth the embarrassment on both sides to bring it up before you have gotten intimate.
3. 'A little flattery will get you everywhere, a lot of planetery will get you now!'. Some forms of flattery within Chinese culture can be simple modes of greetings, and even a form of politeness. But if you go down the road of giving her too many compliments (as some Chinese dating sites advise) then you may very well find any desire for you wanes.