With benefits like flexibility, scalability and adaptability, businesses are rapidly adopting Drupal CMS to address their enterprise challenges. However, moving a website to a Drupal environment brings a unique set of challenges. So, how do you get your Drupal migration right? Keep our Drupal migration “Do’s” in mind before you take the leap. So, how do you get your Drupal migration right?

Know the requirements

Make a list of the functionality, features and integrations that need to be configured and customized on your new website.Once you establish project requirements you can start working with a designated Drupal migration consultant. Double-check that your Drupal CMS supports 3rd party API integration and is scalable to meet these requirements.

Move data carefully

A migration is a multi-faceted process, and some parts should be moved before others. Remember that it’s usually best to keep a track of which segments you want to move and you’d already moved. Some data sets may be too large to effectively move at once, so make sure to create a way to move segments of data individually. Lastly, keep track of which segments have been moved, and the order in which the rest will follow.

Choose the right provider

Research well-established solution providers in the Drupal domain. A good prospective partner should enable a smooth Drupal migration and guarantee services that work in the best interest of your unique business needs.

Include your team

Moving from one technology to another can be arduous, but including your marketing and other teams in the process is a good way to make the transition as seamless as possible. It is a good practice to include the team on the process of reviewing the new Drupal CMS so they will help future users to be familiarized with demos and trainings. You may even discover that they have suggestions and recommendations that can improve the new system.

Backup everything

It’s always a good idea to have backups in place before beginning the Drupal migration process. With a complete backup enterprise data can always be restored at a moment’s notice if needed.

With businesses reporting significant benefits after moving to the Drupal CMS, it’s no surprise that Drupal CMS migration is in demand. However, to make your path to Drupal smoother, consider developing a solid migration strategy by partnering with a Drupal expert consultant that has experience handling successful transitions to the Drupal.

If you follow all of our “do’s”, and partner with the right consultant, you’ll be reaping the benefits of Drupal CMS in no time.