The usage of chat support software on e-commerce websites is no longer the novelty it once used to be. Over the past few years, the rate of using live chat is increasing tremendously. Although, the usage of this web-based application can give you a competitive edge over those who don't have this handy application implemented on their website; but what if majority of your competitors are also leveraging its benefits on their websites. In such situation, it is certainly not less than a challenge for you to make yourself standout among the crowd of tough competitors. What can you do to hold a distinguishing position in online market? You need to focus on the tricks and techniques through which you can increase the efficiency of your live chat software. Doing this, you will be able to hold a prominent position in online market. Here are some tips which will make your support chat software work better.

Placement and Design of Chat Button: The most important and primary thing you should take care of to leverage the maximum benefits of your live chat, is its placement and design on your website. Place your chat support software on the most prominent location of your website. Putting it on Contact Us page will work out because visitors are most likely to contact you when need help during online purchase process. Additionally, the design of your chat button should be attractive for the visitors and it should have compatibility with your website.

Keep a Track of Peak Hours: Getting to know about the hours when visitors are most likely to visit your website is important. Notifying the peak traffic hours, and the most probable time of customer conversion, you can make most out of your online support.

Provide Round the Clock Services: Chat support software enables you to provide 24/7 services to your customer all across the globe. You can reap the full benefits of this functionality when you truly provide round the clock services to your online clients. In case, you are unable to stay available 24/7, don't forget to change your status to offline.

Train your Chat Agents: Another important thing which could play a significant role increasing the efficiency of your support chat software is to train your agents on imparting live chat services. Your agents should have a strong knowledge of products and services they are selling. Moreover, they should be well aware of all the features of live chat. As live chat offers language support; therefore, your agents must be able to speak and understand multiple languages ​​so that they could provide assistance to worldwide customers in the languages ​​they can easily understand and speak.

On the shorter note, you can make a difference in online market by adopting proper steps to improve your chat support software's functionality.