TAGS: #rich people

The world is filled with starving artists and photographers who are good at creating framed works but who just don’t like to sell or simply don’t know how to market their services to those who already want what they can provide.
Master Copy Writer Gary Bencivenga said…
“The magic is in the product,” not in the copywriter’s pen. “Advertising doesn’t create a product advantage. It can only convey it…No matter how skilful you are, you can’t invent a product advantage that doesn’t exist. The better your product, the more persuasive your ad can be, and the bigger your marketing success. Clever copywriting technique is no substitute for a brilliant product. Consumers are too smart”.
The above statement is the key to getting rich with your camera because when it comes to photography the magic is in the fact that people already want to buy good pictures of themselves and their loved ones! Therefore you don’t have to be a high pressure salesperson to get people to buy portraits from you provided you can shoot and show saleable portraits.
Are you capable of taking cute poses of people and pets with your digital camera? If you can learn that simple skill then you can create a product that will practically sell itself.
People love portraits of their loved ones whether or not it’s a masterpiece doesn’t really matter all that much as long as the portraits you shoot are saleable. By saleable I simply mean cute, well lit, happy looking faces that are posed nicely and in focus. In short – if customers like the pictures you took of them they will want to buy them without you having to use any clever sales techniques.
The real trick would be to get people to come into your living room studio, pose for 60 minutes and
leave you with $500 – $800 in profits! But for any half decent photographer getting potential customers to pose for you can be as easy and as simple as walking up to that pretty girl in the park walking her dog and saying “I just love your cute puppy. I’m a professional pet photographer and I’d love to take your pets portraits for free.”
Just give me my camera bag with my digital camera and laptop computer plus a parachute. Then put me on a plane and push me out over any town or city with a population of 50,000 or more and by the end of the day I’ll be shooting, showing and selling what people are buying. What’s stopping you from doing the same? Fear or lack of know how? Both can be overcome by those who really want to enjoy success!