TAGS: #trouble

In this life everyone will or has experienced tough times in his/her life. There are various ways that they do to be able to solve these problems and possibilities can succeed or fail. Success and failure are like two sides of a coin that can not be separated. This is unavoidable as long as we live, because life is a struggle.
Most people think that success is a gift of God to be grateful. They do not realize that success is the test of life, which is no different with failure. Even if there is a difference only lies in the feeling.
When people get success, which means they get what they want in their lives, then the tendency of the character that emerges is pride, which they themselves do not realize that it is vanity.
They thought that the success that they get is because of their hard work, because their business relationships, because of their science. However, what happens when their businesses go bankrupt? They realized that the economics that they have, close friends who are always praising, now everything is gone. No one can help except himself.
When this happens, what should we do to solve this unpleasant problem? A very interesting is how each person overcome his problems with the different ways. The question is whether there is a standard way to be able to solve these different problems.
We realize that when we get a problem then our mental state becomes unstable. There are feelings of fear, panic, threatened, and all sorts of uncomfortable feelings.
Do these standard ways to reduce the uncertain feelings and conditions:
1. Immediately return to God. Because God is holy, we hope there will be purity in our hearts so that we can be calm and can think clearly to solve the problem without causing other problems is not good. We are sorry to God, maybe we make mistakes we do not realize.
2. Looking for a close friend who can at least help in motivation.
3. Find a quiet place to do a kind of meditation with the goal of peace of mind.
4. Do not be easily seduced by the promise offered to resolve the problem in a way that does not make sense.
Finally, this is a theory based on observations of people who do it. And of course this theory is not easily practiced when we ourselves are involved in the problem. However, at least we’ve attempted to get out of trouble by doing the right ways.