TAGS: #singapore

Engage the service of a Maid Agency. You can engage the service of a licensed agency in Singapore. All licensed agencies are issued with a license number which you will be able to check through the Ministry of Manpower website. The maid agency will inform you clearly on the breakdown of the fees and cost involved.
Select your desired maid profile. The agency will provide you with the bio-data of the maids available for employment. You can look through their bio-data and select a few which you feel that might suit your needs most. Some agency can arrange an interview with your desired foreign workers through webcam or telephone even when she is not in Singapore. You will need to make an appointment with the maid agency to arrange for an interview.
If you have any expectations for the maid, do let the agency know so that they provide you with the most appropriate bio-data for your consideration.
Attending the Employers’ Orientation Program (EOP). You will need to attend a 3 hour Employers’ Orientation Program (EOP) if it is the first time that you are hiring a maid. This program helps you understand your role and responsibilities as an employer of a maid.
You can take the EOP either in the classroom or do it online.
Classroom EOP: $28-$30.
Online EOP: $40.
Application of work permit for the selected maid. The maid agency will process and apply for the required work permit and paper work with MOM on your behalf. Do note that all employers are required to purchase personal accident insurance for your maid. The agency will process all this on your behalf and is usually already included in their service packages
Documentations, collection of maid from the airport and medical checkups. This is usually done by the maid agency. All first time maids are required to attend a 1 day orientation program within 3 days after arriving in Singapore. The Settling-In Program (SIP) helps to educate them on safety precautions and living in Singapore.
Documentation work with MOM have to done within 14 days of arrival and the thumbprint and photo taking has to be done within 7 days after the submission of the work permit card processing. If all goes well, the maid can collect her work permit card in 1 week time.
Requirements for hiring a maid or Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) in Singapore
1. The employer must be 21 years old and above.
2. Not an undischarged bankrupt.
3. Have the mental capacity to fully understand and discharge your responsibility as an Employer.
4. Have the financial ability to hire, maintain and upkeep the FDW in an acceptable accommodation (subjected to Ministry of Manpower approval).